List Clinical Notes
Lists clinical notes with various filtering options including pagination, sorting, and specific attributes such as IDs, types, assignee details, creator details, patient details, and more. This endpoint supports comprehensive filtering to retrieve relevant clinical notes based on the provided criteria.
Query parameters
The page number of the content returned.
The size of the page of content returned.
The attribute to sort on.
True if the sort direction should be descending.
Lists only clinical notes with the IDs provided.
Lists only open clinical notes.
Lists only clinical notes with the provided description.
Lists only clinical notes with the provided types.
Lists only clinical notes with the provided CPT code values.
Lists only clinical notes assigned to the provided assignee IDs.
Lists only clinical notes assigned to the provided assignee name.
Lists only clinical notes assigned to the provided assignee email.
Lists only clinical notes created by the provided creator IDs.
Lists only clinical notes created by the provided creator name.
Lists only clinical notes created by the provided creator email.
Lists only clinical notes associated with the provided patient IDs.
Lists only clinical notes associated with the provided patient site IDs.
Lists only clinical notes associated with the provided patient external identifiers.
Lists only clinical notes associated with the provided patient email.
Lists only clinical notes associated with the provided patient name.
The content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
The current page number. The first page has value 1.
The current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
The number of objects matching the request.
True if this is the first page, false otherwise.
True if this is the last page, false otherwise.