Export Temperature Readings


Facilitates the export of temperature readings for a specified patient within a chosen date range, in either Excel or CSV format. This endpoint allows the selection of a patient ID for targeted data retrieval, or can provide readings for all patients if no specific ID is provided, subject to service implementation. The start and end dates are optional and can be used to filter the readings to a specific period. The ‘excel’ parameter decides the output format: setting this to true returns the data in Excel format, while false yields CSV format. The endpoint streams the output directly to the client in the specified format.

Query parameters


Determines the format of the export: if true, the data is returned in Excel format; otherwise, it is returned as CSV.


The ID of the patient whose temperature readings are to be exported. If not provided, readings for all patients may be exported.


The start date for filtering temperature readings. Only readings after or equal to this date will be included.


The end date for filtering temperature readings. Only readings before this date will be included.


This endpoint returns a file.