List Support Tickets
Retrieves a paginated list of support tickets from the Impilo platform.
Query parameters
The page number of the content returned.
The page size of the content returned.
The support ticket type to filter by.
The email address of the individual asssigned a support ticket.
The external identifier of the patient associated with a support itcket.
The id of the patient associated with a support ticket.
The time after which a support ticket was created.
The time after which a support ticket was last updated.
Whether or not a support ticket is considered closed or not.
The content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
The current page number. The first page has value 1.
The current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
The number of objects matching the request.
True if this is the first page, false otherwise.
True if this is the last page, false otherwise.