
This page provides a comprehensive overview of all the models utilized within our APIs, accompanied by example JSON bodies for each. Here, you’ll find detailed descriptions and structures to help you understand how to effectively interact with our APIs, ensuring smooth integration and effective communication between your systems and ours.


Represents a physical address, including information such as street lines, city, state, zip code, country, and an optional note for additional details.


lineOnestringtrueAddress line one.
lineTwostringfalseAddress line two.
lineThreestringfalseAddress line three.
citystringtrueAddress city.
statestringtrueAddress state.
zipCodestringtrueAddress zip code.
countrystringtrueAddress country.
notestringfalseAddress note.
Address Model Sample
2 "lineOne": "string",
3 "lineTwo": "string",
4 "lineThree": "string",
5 "city": "string",
6 "state": "string",
7 "zipCode": "string",
8 "country": "string",
9 "note": "string"


Request object for updating alert configurations


alertConfigurationTypeAlertConfigurationTypefalseThe type of alert configuration
enabledbooleanfalseWhether this alert is enabled
notifyHealthCoachbooleanfalseWhether to notify the health coach when the alert is triggered
notifyPatientbooleanfalseWhether to notify the patient when the alert is triggered
configBloodPressureAlertConfigfalseAlert configuration rules. Structure varies by alertConfigurationType.
notificationEmails[string]falseList of emails to notify when alert is triggered
AlertConfiguration Model Sample
2 "alertConfigurationType": "bloodPressure",
3 "enabled": true,
4 "notifyHealthCoach": true,
5 "notifyPatient": true,
6 "config": {
7 "rules": [
8 null
9 ],
10 "_example": {
11 "rules": [
12 {
13 "type": "threshold",
14 "field": "systolic",
15 "operator": "gt",
16 "value": 140,
17 "severity": "MEDIUM"
18 },
19 {
20 "type": "relative_change",
21 "field": "systolic",
22 "direction": "increase",
23 "value": 20,
24 "severity": "MEDIUM"
25 }
26 ]
27 }
28 },
29 "notificationEmails": [
30 "",
31 ""
32 ],
33 "alertConfigType": "bloodPressure"


Enumerated Values

AlertConfigurationType Model Sample



deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe ID of the device. Either this value or a Device Identifier are required to identify the Device.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe Identifier, such as a Serial Number, of the device. Either this value or a Device Id are required to identify the Device.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe ID of the patient to have the Device associated to. Either this value or a Patient External Identifier are required to identify who should be (dis)associated with the device.
patientExternalIdentifierstringfalseThe External Identifier of the patient to have the Device (dis)associated to. Either this value or a Patient Id are required to identify who should be (dis)associated with the device.
AssociateDeviceRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 1,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "ABC123",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "patientExternalIdentifier": "string"


This page describes Impilo’s blood glucose reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientPatientfalseThe patient who took the reading.
itemItemfalseThe item used to take the reading.
deviceDevicefalseThe device used to take the reading.
glucoseinteger(int32)falseThe blood glucose measurement value.
beforeMealbooleanfalseTrue if the reading was taken before a meal, false otherwise.
afterMealbooleanfalseTrue if the reading was taken after a meal, false otherwise.
BloodGlucoseReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "glucose": 0,
142 "glucoseUnit": "mgdl",
143 "beforeMeal": true,
144 "afterMeal": true


This page describes Impilo’s blood glucose reading model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
glucoseinteger(int32)trueThe blood glucose measurement value.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
beforeMealbooleanfalseTrue if the reading was taken before a meal, false otherwise.
afterMealbooleanfalseTrue if the reading was taken after a meal, false otherwise.
BloodGlucoseReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "glucose": 0,
8 "manual": true,
9 "beforeMeal": true,
10 "afterMeal": true


Enumerated Values

mgdlBlood glucose unit of measurement is milligrams per deciliter.
BloodGlucoseUnit Model Sample


This page describes Impilo’s blood oxygen reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientPatientfalseThe patient who took the reading.
itemItemfalseThe item used to take the reading.
deviceDevicefalseThe device used to take the reading.
bloodOxygeninteger(int32)falseThe blood oxygen (spo2) measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
BloodOxygenReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "bloodOxygen": 0,
142 "bloodOxygenUnit": "spo2",
143 "heartRate": 0,
144 "heartRateUnit": "bpm"


This page describes Impilo’s blood oxygen reading model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
bloodOxygeninteger(int32)trueThe blood oxygen (spo2) measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
BloodOxygenReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "bloodOxygen": 0,
8 "heartRate": 0,
9 "manual": true


Enumerated Values

spo2Blood glucose unit of measurement is milligrams per deciliter.
BloodOxygenUnit Model Sample


Blood pressure alert configuration


rules[any]falseList of rules that determine when blood pressure alerts are triggered.Each rule can be either:Threshold Rule:{“type”: “threshold”,“field”: “systolic
BloodPressureAlertConfig Model Sample
2 "rules": [
3 null
4 ],
5 "_example": {
6 "rules": [
7 {
8 "type": "threshold",
9 "field": "systolic",
10 "operator": "gt",
11 "value": 140,
12 "severity": "MEDIUM"
13 },
14 {
15 "type": "relative_change",
16 "field": "systolic",
17 "direction": "increase",
18 "value": 20,
19 "severity": "MEDIUM"
20 }
21 ]
22 }


This page describes Impilo’s blood pressure reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientPatientfalseThe patient who took the reading.
itemItemfalseThe item used to take the reading.
deviceDevicefalseThe device used to take the reading.
systolicinteger(int32)falseThe systolic measurement value.
diastolicinteger(int32)falseThe diastolic measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
BloodPressureReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "systolic": 0,
142 "systolicUnit": "mmhg",
143 "diastolic": 0,
144 "diastolicUnit": "mmhg",
145 "heartRate": 0,
146 "heartRateUnit": "bpm"


This page describes Impilo’s blood pressure reading model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
systolicinteger(int32)trueThe systolic measurement value.
diastolicinteger(int32)trueThe diastolic measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
BloodPressureReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "systolic": 0,
8 "diastolic": 0,
9 "heartRate": 0,
10 "manual": true


Enumerated Values

mmhgPressure unit of measurement is millimeters of mercury.
BloodPressureUnit Model Sample


Clinical note for patients.


idinteger(int64)falseThe unique identifier of the clinical note.
typeClinicalNoteTypefalseThe type of the clinical note.
cptCodeCptCodefalseThe CPT code associated with the clinical note.
createTimestampstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the clinical note was created.
lastUpdateTimestampstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the clinical note was last updated.
openbooleanfalseIndicates whether the clinical note is open.
mdCodestringfalseThe MD code associated with the clinical note.
dxCodestringfalseThe DX code associated with the clinical note.
descriptionstringfalseThe description of the clinical note.
createdByEndUserfalseThe user who created the clinical note.
assigneeEndUserfalseThe user assigned to the clinical note.
patientPatientfalseThe patient associated with the clinical note.
activity[ClinicalNoteActivity]falseList of activities associated with the clinical note.
totalTimeinteger(int32)falseTotal time in minutes spent on the clinical note.
ClinicalNote Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "type": "other",
4 "cptCode": {
5 "value": "string",
6 "displayAs": "string"
7 },
8 "createTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
9 "lastUpdateTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
10 "open": true,
11 "mdCode": "string",
12 "dxCode": "string",
13 "description": "string",
14 "createdBy": {
15 "id": 0,
16 "firstName": "string",
17 "lastName": "string",
18 "email": "string"
19 },
20 "assignee": {
21 "id": 0,
22 "firstName": "string",
23 "lastName": "string",
24 "email": "string"
25 },
26 "patient": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
29 "firstName": "John",
30 "lastName": "Doe",
31 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
32 "email": "",
33 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
34 "archived": true,
35 "address": {
36 "lineOne": "string",
37 "lineTwo": "string",
38 "lineThree": "string",
39 "city": "string",
40 "state": "string",
41 "zipCode": "string",
42 "country": "string",
43 "note": "string"
44 },
45 "site": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "name": "string",
48 "active": true,
49 "phoneNumber": "string",
50 "address": {
51 "lineOne": "string",
52 "lineTwo": "string",
53 "lineThree": "string",
54 "city": "string",
55 "state": "string",
56 "zipCode": "string",
57 "country": "string",
58 "note": "string"
59 }
60 },
61 "enrolled": true,
62 "sex": "other"
63 },
64 "activity": [
65 {
66 "createTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
67 "comment": "string",
68 "minutesSpent": 0,
69 "createdBy": {
70 "id": 0,
71 "firstName": "string",
72 "lastName": "string",
73 "email": "string"
74 }
75 }
76 ],
77 "totalTime": 0


Clinical note activity.


createTimestampstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the activity was created.
commentstringfalseThe comment associated with the activity.
minutesSpentinteger(int32)falseThe number of minutes spent on the activity.
createdByEndUserfalseThe user who created the activity.
ClinicalNoteActivity Model Sample
2 "createTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
3 "comment": "string",
4 "minutesSpent": 0,
5 "createdBy": {
6 "id": 0,
7 "firstName": "string",
8 "lastName": "string",
9 "email": "string"
10 }


Enumerated Values

ClinicalNoteSort Model Sample


Enumerated Values

otherClinical note of other type.
cptCodeClinical note related to a CPT code.
ClinicalNoteType Model Sample



CptCode Model Sample
2 "value": "string",
3 "displayAs": "string"


The payload for creating a return.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe patient that is making the return.
siteIdinteger(int64)falseThe site that is making the return.
returnItems[SimpleReturnItem]falseAn array of non-tracked items expected on this return.
returnDevices[ReturnDevice]falseAn array of devices expected on this return.
shippingOptionstringfalseThe shipping service level.
emailLabelbooleanfalseIndicates if the return shipping label will be emailed or shipped.

shippingOption Enumerated Values

The shipping service level.

standardStandard shipping option.
overnightOvernight shipping option.
CreateReturn Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "siteId": 0,
4 "returnItems": [
5 {
6 "id": 0,
7 "count": 0
8 }
9 ],
10 "returnDevices": [
11 {
12 "id": 0
13 }
14 ],
15 "shippingOption": "standard",
16 "emailLabel": false



Customer Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "name": "string"


A device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the device, managed by Impilo.
itemItemfalseThe manufacturer for this item.
currentStatusstringfalseThe current status of this device.
usedbooleanfalseTrue if this device is used, false otherwise.
currentPatientPatientfalseThe patient currently in possession of this device. Null if this device is not currently with a patient.
siteSitefalseThe site to which this device is assigned.
lastHealthCheckstringfalseTimestamp for the last time Impilo received a signal from this device.
deviceIdentifiers[DeviceIdentifier]falseAn array of the device identifiers for this device.
deviceEvents[DeviceEvent]falseAn array of the device events for this device.
externalIdentifierstringfalseThe external identifier for this device.
disabledReadingsbooleanfalseTrue if readings from this device are disabled, false otherwise. If true, Impilo will not save or process readings from this device. Webhooks and alerts will not be triggered for readings taken on this device.
Device Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "item": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "manufacturer": {
6 "id": 1,
7 "name": "string"
8 },
9 "name": "string",
10 "model": "string",
11 "sku": "string",
12 "orderable": true
13 },
14 "currentStatus": "string",
15 "used": true,
16 "currentPatient": {
17 "id": 1,
18 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
19 "firstName": "John",
20 "lastName": "Doe",
21 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
22 "email": "",
23 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
24 "archived": true,
25 "address": {
26 "lineOne": "string",
27 "lineTwo": "string",
28 "lineThree": "string",
29 "city": "string",
30 "state": "string",
31 "zipCode": "string",
32 "country": "string",
33 "note": "string"
34 },
35 "site": {
36 "id": 1,
37 "name": "string",
38 "active": true,
39 "phoneNumber": "string",
40 "address": {
41 "lineOne": "string",
42 "lineTwo": "string",
43 "lineThree": "string",
44 "city": "string",
45 "state": "string",
46 "zipCode": "string",
47 "country": "string",
48 "note": "string"
49 }
50 },
51 "enrolled": true,
52 "sex": "other"
53 },
54 "site": {
55 "id": 1,
56 "name": "string",
57 "active": true,
58 "phoneNumber": "string",
59 "address": {
60 "lineOne": "string",
61 "lineTwo": "string",
62 "lineThree": "string",
63 "city": "string",
64 "state": "string",
65 "zipCode": "string",
66 "country": "string",
67 "note": "string"
68 }
69 },
70 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
71 "deviceIdentifiers": [
72 {
73 "type": "string",
74 "value": "string"
75 }
76 ],
77 "deviceEvents": [
78 {
79 "type": "string",
80 "eventTimestamp": "string"
81 }
82 ],
83 "externalIdentifier": "string",
84 "disabledReadings": true


The webhook payload sent when a Device is either Associated or Disassociated with a patient.


patientPatientfalseThe Patient that the device was either associated with or disassociated from.
deviceDevicefalseThe Device that was associated to or disassociated from the provided Patient.
actionstringfalseThe type of association that was performed — either ‘associate’ or ‘disassociate’.
eventTimestampstringfalseThe timestamp of the association event.
DeviceAssociationWebhookPayload Model Sample
2 "patient": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
5 "firstName": "John",
6 "lastName": "Doe",
7 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
8 "email": "",
9 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
10 "archived": true,
11 "address": {
12 "lineOne": "string",
13 "lineTwo": "string",
14 "lineThree": "string",
15 "city": "string",
16 "state": "string",
17 "zipCode": "string",
18 "country": "string",
19 "note": "string"
20 },
21 "site": {
22 "id": 1,
23 "name": "string",
24 "active": true,
25 "phoneNumber": "string",
26 "address": {
27 "lineOne": "string",
28 "lineTwo": "string",
29 "lineThree": "string",
30 "city": "string",
31 "state": "string",
32 "zipCode": "string",
33 "country": "string",
34 "note": "string"
35 }
36 },
37 "enrolled": true,
38 "sex": "other"
39 },
40 "device": {
41 "id": 1,
42 "item": {
43 "id": 1,
44 "manufacturer": {
45 "id": 1,
46 "name": "string"
47 },
48 "name": "string",
49 "model": "string",
50 "sku": "string",
51 "orderable": true
52 },
53 "currentStatus": "string",
54 "used": true,
55 "currentPatient": {
56 "id": 1,
57 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
58 "firstName": "John",
59 "lastName": "Doe",
60 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
61 "email": "",
62 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
63 "archived": true,
64 "address": {
65 "lineOne": "string",
66 "lineTwo": "string",
67 "lineThree": "string",
68 "city": "string",
69 "state": "string",
70 "zipCode": "string",
71 "country": "string",
72 "note": "string"
73 },
74 "site": {
75 "id": 1,
76 "name": "string",
77 "active": true,
78 "phoneNumber": "string",
79 "address": {
80 "lineOne": "string",
81 "lineTwo": "string",
82 "lineThree": "string",
83 "city": "string",
84 "state": "string",
85 "zipCode": "string",
86 "country": "string",
87 "note": "string"
88 }
89 },
90 "enrolled": true,
91 "sex": "other"
92 },
93 "site": {
94 "id": 1,
95 "name": "string",
96 "active": true,
97 "phoneNumber": "string",
98 "address": {
99 "lineOne": "string",
100 "lineTwo": "string",
101 "lineThree": "string",
102 "city": "string",
103 "state": "string",
104 "zipCode": "string",
105 "country": "string",
106 "note": "string"
107 }
108 },
109 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
110 "deviceIdentifiers": [
111 {
112 "type": "string",
113 "value": "string"
114 }
115 ],
116 "deviceEvents": [
117 {
118 "type": "string",
119 "eventTimestamp": "string"
120 }
121 ],
122 "externalIdentifier": "string",
123 "disabledReadings": true
124 },
125 "action": "string",
126 "eventTimestamp": "string"


A device event represents a significant activity or occurrence detected by the device. Impilo tracks these events to provide insights into device usage and operational status.


typestringfalseThe event type for the Device Event.
eventTimestampstringfalseThe timestamp when the Device Event was created.
DeviceEvent Model Sample
2 "type": "string",
3 "eventTimestamp": "string"


A device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.


typestringfalseThe type of the Device Identifier.
valuestringfalseThe value of the Device Identifier, based on it’s type.
DeviceIdentifier Model Sample
2 "type": "string",
3 "value": "string"


Enumerated Values

DeviceIdentifierType Model Sample


A request to reference a device by either its ID or Identifier.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe ID of the device. Either this value or a Device Identifier are required to identify the Device.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe Identifier, such as a Serial Number, of the device. Either this value or a Device Id are required to identify the Device.
DeviceReferenceRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 1,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "ABC123"


Enumerated Values

DeviceSort Model Sample


Enumerated Values

initiatedDevice initialization has been initiated.
awaitingShipmentDevice is awaiting shipment.
availableDevice is available for use.
withPatientDevice is currently with a patient.
availableAtSiteDevice is available at a site.
deliveredDevice has been delivered.
usedDevice is currently in use.
refurbishingDevice is being refurbished.
packedAtSiteDevice is packed in a kit at a site, ready to be assigned to a patient.
receivedInErrorDevice was received in error and is no longer available for use.
decommissionedDevice has been decommissioned.
shippedDevice has been shipped.
availableRepackedDevice is available and repacked.
returnedManufacturerDevice has been returned to the manufacturer.
packedDevice is packed and ready for shipment or use.
DeviceStatus Model Sample


Enumerated Values

DimensionUnit Model Sample



archivebooleanfalseWhether or not the patient to be disenrolled should also be archived.
createReturnsbooleanfalseWhether or not Returns should be placed for the patient to be disenrolled.
DisenrollPatientRequest Model Sample
2 "archive": true,
3 "createReturns": true


User information.


idinteger(int64)falseThe unique identifier of the user.
firstNamestringfalseThe first name of the user.
lastNamestringfalseThe last name of the user.
emailstringfalseThe email address of the user.
EndUser Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "firstName": "string",
4 "lastName": "string",
5 "email": "string"


Enumerated Values

lpsForced expiratory volume unit of measurement is liters per second.
ForcedExpiratoryVolumeUnit Model Sample


Impilo’s heart rate model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
deviceDevicefalseA device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.
HeartRateReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "heartRate": 0,
8 "patient": {
9 "id": 1,
10 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
11 "firstName": "John",
12 "lastName": "Doe",
13 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
14 "email": "",
15 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
16 "archived": true,
17 "address": {
18 "lineOne": "string",
19 "lineTwo": "string",
20 "lineThree": "string",
21 "city": "string",
22 "state": "string",
23 "zipCode": "string",
24 "country": "string",
25 "note": "string"
26 },
27 "site": {
28 "id": 1,
29 "name": "string",
30 "active": true,
31 "phoneNumber": "string",
32 "address": {
33 "lineOne": "string",
34 "lineTwo": "string",
35 "lineThree": "string",
36 "city": "string",
37 "state": "string",
38 "zipCode": "string",
39 "country": "string",
40 "note": "string"
41 }
42 },
43 "enrolled": true,
44 "sex": "other"
45 },
46 "item": {
47 "id": 1,
48 "manufacturer": {
49 "id": 1,
50 "name": "string"
51 },
52 "name": "string",
53 "model": "string",
54 "sku": "string",
55 "orderable": true
56 },
57 "device": {
58 "id": 1,
59 "item": {
60 "id": 1,
61 "manufacturer": {
62 "id": 1,
63 "name": "string"
64 },
65 "name": "string",
66 "model": "string",
67 "sku": "string",
68 "orderable": true
69 },
70 "currentStatus": "string",
71 "used": true,
72 "currentPatient": {
73 "id": 1,
74 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
75 "firstName": "John",
76 "lastName": "Doe",
77 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
78 "email": "",
79 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
80 "archived": true,
81 "address": {
82 "lineOne": "string",
83 "lineTwo": "string",
84 "lineThree": "string",
85 "city": "string",
86 "state": "string",
87 "zipCode": "string",
88 "country": "string",
89 "note": "string"
90 },
91 "site": {
92 "id": 1,
93 "name": "string",
94 "active": true,
95 "phoneNumber": "string",
96 "address": {
97 "lineOne": "string",
98 "lineTwo": "string",
99 "lineThree": "string",
100 "city": "string",
101 "state": "string",
102 "zipCode": "string",
103 "country": "string",
104 "note": "string"
105 }
106 },
107 "enrolled": true,
108 "sex": "other"
109 },
110 "site": {
111 "id": 1,
112 "name": "string",
113 "active": true,
114 "phoneNumber": "string",
115 "address": {
116 "lineOne": "string",
117 "lineTwo": "string",
118 "lineThree": "string",
119 "city": "string",
120 "state": "string",
121 "zipCode": "string",
122 "country": "string",
123 "note": "string"
124 }
125 },
126 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
127 "deviceIdentifiers": [
128 {
129 "type": "string",
130 "value": "string"
131 }
132 ],
133 "deviceEvents": [
134 {
135 "type": "string",
136 "eventTimestamp": "string"
137 }
138 ],
139 "externalIdentifier": "string",
140 "disabledReadings": true
141 }



deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampInstanttrueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
HeartRateReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "manual": true,
8 "heartRate": 0


Enumerated Values

bpmHeart rate unit of measurement is beats per minute.
HeartRateUnit Model Sample


Enumerated Values

sdannStandard deviation of the average NN intervals calculated over short periods.
sdnnStandard deviation of all NN intervals.
sdrrStandard deviation of the differences between adjacent NN intervals.
HeartRateVariabilityAlgorithmType Model Sample


Impilo’s heart rate variability model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
heartRateVariabilitynumber(double)trueThe heart rate variability value.
heartRateVariabilityDurationinteger(int64)falseThe duration over which the heart rate variability was measured, in milliseconds.
itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
deviceDevicefalseA device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.
HeartRateVariabilityReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "heartRate": 0,
8 "heartRateVariability": 0.1,
9 "heartRateVariabilityDuration": 0,
10 "patient": {
11 "id": 1,
12 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
13 "firstName": "John",
14 "lastName": "Doe",
15 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
16 "email": "",
17 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
18 "archived": true,
19 "address": {
20 "lineOne": "string",
21 "lineTwo": "string",
22 "lineThree": "string",
23 "city": "string",
24 "state": "string",
25 "zipCode": "string",
26 "country": "string",
27 "note": "string"
28 },
29 "site": {
30 "id": 1,
31 "name": "string",
32 "active": true,
33 "phoneNumber": "string",
34 "address": {
35 "lineOne": "string",
36 "lineTwo": "string",
37 "lineThree": "string",
38 "city": "string",
39 "state": "string",
40 "zipCode": "string",
41 "country": "string",
42 "note": "string"
43 }
44 },
45 "enrolled": true,
46 "sex": "other"
47 },
48 "item": {
49 "id": 1,
50 "manufacturer": {
51 "id": 1,
52 "name": "string"
53 },
54 "name": "string",
55 "model": "string",
56 "sku": "string",
57 "orderable": true
58 },
59 "device": {
60 "id": 1,
61 "item": {
62 "id": 1,
63 "manufacturer": {
64 "id": 1,
65 "name": "string"
66 },
67 "name": "string",
68 "model": "string",
69 "sku": "string",
70 "orderable": true
71 },
72 "currentStatus": "string",
73 "used": true,
74 "currentPatient": {
75 "id": 1,
76 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
77 "firstName": "John",
78 "lastName": "Doe",
79 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
80 "email": "",
81 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
82 "archived": true,
83 "address": {
84 "lineOne": "string",
85 "lineTwo": "string",
86 "lineThree": "string",
87 "city": "string",
88 "state": "string",
89 "zipCode": "string",
90 "country": "string",
91 "note": "string"
92 },
93 "site": {
94 "id": 1,
95 "name": "string",
96 "active": true,
97 "phoneNumber": "string",
98 "address": {
99 "lineOne": "string",
100 "lineTwo": "string",
101 "lineThree": "string",
102 "city": "string",
103 "state": "string",
104 "zipCode": "string",
105 "country": "string",
106 "note": "string"
107 }
108 },
109 "enrolled": true,
110 "sex": "other"
111 },
112 "site": {
113 "id": 1,
114 "name": "string",
115 "active": true,
116 "phoneNumber": "string",
117 "address": {
118 "lineOne": "string",
119 "lineTwo": "string",
120 "lineThree": "string",
121 "city": "string",
122 "state": "string",
123 "zipCode": "string",
124 "country": "string",
125 "note": "string"
126 }
127 },
128 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
129 "deviceIdentifiers": [
130 {
131 "type": "string",
132 "value": "string"
133 }
134 ],
135 "deviceEvents": [
136 {
137 "type": "string",
138 "eventTimestamp": "string"
139 }
140 ],
141 "externalIdentifier": "string",
142 "disabledReadings": true
143 },
144 "heartRateVariabilityAlgorithmType": "sdann"



deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampInstanttrueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
heartRateVariabilitynumber(double)trueThe heart rate variability value.
heartRateVariabilityDurationinteger(int64)falseThe duration over which the heart rate variability was measured, in milliseconds.
HeartRateVariabilityReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "manual": true,
8 "heartRate": 0,
9 "heartRateVariability": 0.1,
10 "heartRateVariabilityDuration": 0,
11 "heartRateVariabilityAlgorithmType": "sdann"


Instant Model Sample



itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
siteSitefalseA site is a customer-managed location that interacts with Impilo’s services. Patient may be associated with a site, and a customer may order items and hold inventory at a site.
InventoryRecord Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "newCount": 0,
14 "usedCount": 0,
15 "site": {
16 "id": 1,
17 "name": "string",
18 "active": true,
19 "phoneNumber": "string",
20 "address": {
21 "lineOne": "string",
22 "lineTwo": "string",
23 "lineThree": "string",
24 "city": "string",
25 "state": "string",
26 "zipCode": "string",
27 "country": "string",
28 "note": "string"
29 }
30 }



itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
InventorySummaryRecord Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "newCount": 0,
14 "usedCount": 0


An item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the item, managed by Impilo.
manufacturerManufacturerfalseThe manufacturer for this item.
namestringfalseThe name for this item.
modelstringfalseThe manufacturer-assigned model for this item.
skustringfalseThe Impilo-assigned SKU for this item.
orderablebooleanfalseWhether an Item is able to be ordered.
Item Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "manufacturer": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "string"
6 },
7 "name": "string",
8 "model": "string",
9 "sku": "string",
10 "orderable": true


Enumerated Values

wearableItems related to wearable devices.
glucoseItems related to glucose monitoring.
miscellaneousMiscellaneous items.
circulatoryItems related to the circulatory system.
packagingItems related to packaging.
labItems related to laboratory equipment.
bodyItems related to the body.
familyPlanningItems related to family planning.
cpapItems related to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).
connectivityItems related to connectivity.
generalHealthItems related to general health.
serviceService-related items.
thermometerItems related to thermometers.
powerItems related to power supply.
respiratoryItems related to the respiratory system.
infoInformational items.
ItemClass Model Sample


An item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog. Detailed Item views are only seen in the Item list and fetch endpoints — otherwise, a lighter version of an Item is returned with other non-Item endpoints.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the item, managed by Impilo.
manufacturerManufacturerfalseThe manufacturer for this item.
namestringfalseThe name for this item.
modelstringfalseThe manufacturer-assigned model for this item.
skustringfalseThe Impilo-assigned SKU for this item.
orderablebooleanfalseWhether an Item is able to be ordered.
itemClassTypestringfalseThe Class Type associated with this item.
dimensionsItemDimensionsfalseThe physical dimensions of this item.
ItemDetailed Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "manufacturer": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "string"
6 },
7 "name": "string",
8 "model": "string",
9 "sku": "string",
10 "orderable": true,
11 "deviceIdentifierType": "simCardNumber",
12 "itemClass": "wearable",
13 "itemClassType": "string",
14 "size": "standard",
15 "dimensions": {
16 "length": 0.1,
17 "width": 0.1,
18 "height": 0.1,
19 "unit": "in"
20 },
21 "readingType": "bloodPressure"


The length, width, height, and units of distance for the physical body of the Item.


lengthnumber(double)falseThe length of the Item.
widthnumber(double)falseThe width of the Item.
heightnumber(double)falseThe height of the Item.
ItemDimensions Model Sample
2 "length": 0.1,
3 "width": 0.1,
4 "height": 0.1,
5 "unit": "in"


An ItemRequest object consists of a name (required), a model, and (if applicable) a deviceIdentifierType that is being requested to be created by a Manufacturer.

Device Identifier Types must match the DeviceIdentifierType model.


namestringtrueThe name for this item.
modelstringfalseThe manufacturer-assigned model for this item.
ItemRequest Model Sample
2 "name": "string",
3 "model": "string",
4 "deviceIdentifierType": "simCardNumber"


Enumerated Values

standardStandard sized item.
smallSmall sized item.
largeLarge sized item.
extraLargeExtra large sized item.
mediumMedium sized item.
ItemSize Model Sample


Enumerated Values

ItemSort Model Sample



toCustomerIdinteger(int64)trueThe ID of the Customer to transfer the Devices to.
transfers[TransferItem]trueA list of ItemTransfer objects containing the Item IDs and quantities to transfer.
ItemTransferRequest Model Sample
2 "toCustomerId": 0,
3 "transfers": [
4 {
5 "item": {
6 "id": 1,
7 "manufacturer": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "name": "string"
10 },
11 "name": "string",
12 "model": "string",
13 "sku": "string",
14 "orderable": true
15 },
16 "count": 0,
17 "devices": [
18 {
19 "id": 1,
20 "item": {
21 "id": 1,
22 "manufacturer": {
23 "id": 1,
24 "name": "string"
25 },
26 "name": "string",
27 "model": "string",
28 "sku": "string",
29 "orderable": true
30 },
31 "currentStatus": "string",
32 "used": true,
33 "currentPatient": {
34 "id": 1,
35 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
36 "firstName": "John",
37 "lastName": "Doe",
38 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
39 "email": "",
40 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
41 "archived": true,
42 "address": {
43 "lineOne": "string",
44 "lineTwo": "string",
45 "lineThree": "string",
46 "city": "string",
47 "state": "string",
48 "zipCode": "string",
49 "country": "string",
50 "note": "string"
51 },
52 "site": {
53 "id": 1,
54 "name": "string",
55 "active": true,
56 "phoneNumber": "string",
57 "address": {
58 "lineOne": "string",
59 "lineTwo": "string",
60 "lineThree": "string",
61 "city": "string",
62 "state": "string",
63 "zipCode": "string",
64 "country": "string",
65 "note": "string"
66 }
67 },
68 "enrolled": true,
69 "sex": "other"
70 },
71 "site": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "name": "string",
74 "active": true,
75 "phoneNumber": "string",
76 "address": {
77 "lineOne": "string",
78 "lineTwo": "string",
79 "lineThree": "string",
80 "city": "string",
81 "state": "string",
82 "zipCode": "string",
83 "country": "string",
84 "note": "string"
85 }
86 },
87 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
88 "deviceIdentifiers": [
89 {
90 "type": "string",
91 "value": "string"
92 }
93 ],
94 "deviceEvents": [
95 {
96 "type": "string",
97 "eventTimestamp": "string"
98 }
99 ],
100 "externalIdentifier": "string",
101 "disabledReadings": true
102 }
103 ]
104 }
105 ]


A kit is a named collection of items that can be ordered as one unit.


namestringfalseThe name of the kit.
archivedbooleanfalseTrue if the kit is archived, false otherwise.
kitItems[KitItem]falseAn array of kit items.
Kit Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "name": "string",
4 "archived": true,
5 "kitItems": [
6 {
7 "item": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "manufacturer": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "name": "string"
12 },
13 "name": "string",
14 "model": "string",
15 "sku": "string",
16 "orderable": true
17 },
18 "count": 0
19 }
20 ]



itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
KitItem Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "count": 0


LocalDate Model Sample


A manufacturer is a supplier of an item. Every item has exactly one manufacturer.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the manufacturer, managed by Impilo.
namestringfalseThe name of the manufacturer.
Manufacturer Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "name": "string"



idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the order
externalOrderIds[string]falseAn array of order ids specified by the client
patientPatientfalseThe patient receiving the order. Exactly one of patient or site must be not null.
siteSitefalseThe site receiving the order. Exactly one of patient or site must be not null.
currentStatusstringfalseThe current status of the order
orderItems[OrderItem]falseArray of items on the order. At least one of orderItems or orderKits must be not null.
orderKits[OrderKit]falseArray of order kits on the order. At least one of orderItems or orderKits must be not null.
orderEvents[OrderEvent]falseArray of order events. These are the status updates for the order.
trackingNumbers[TrackingNumber]falseArray of tracking numbers for the order.
devices[Device]falseThe order item devices
packedKits[PackedKit]falseThe kits packed in the order

currentStatus Enumerated Values

The current status of the order

availableForPickupOrder is waiting for the recipient to pickup at the post office.
onHoldOrder is on hold, possibly due to inventory or internal reviews.
unsuccessfulDeliveryDelivery of the order was attempted but unsuccessful.
awaitingShipmentOrder is ready to be shipped but is waiting for the next shipment cycle.
returnIssuedA return process has been initiated for the order.
pendingInventoryOrder is waiting for inventory to become available before it can be fulfilled.
deliveredOrder has been successfully delivered to the recipient.
reconfirmAddressCustomer needs to reconfirm their address.
unableToFulfillOrder cannot be fulfilled due to current limitations or issues.
orderPlacedOrder has been successfully placed and is in the system.
shippedOrder has been shipped to the recipient.
voidedOrder has been canceled and is no longer valid.
pendingAdditionalInformationOrder is pending as additional information is required from the recipient.
Order Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "externalOrderIds": [
4 "string"
5 ],
6 "patient": {
7 "id": 1,
8 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
9 "firstName": "John",
10 "lastName": "Doe",
11 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
12 "email": "",
13 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
14 "archived": true,
15 "address": {
16 "lineOne": "string",
17 "lineTwo": "string",
18 "lineThree": "string",
19 "city": "string",
20 "state": "string",
21 "zipCode": "string",
22 "country": "string",
23 "note": "string"
24 },
25 "site": {
26 "id": 1,
27 "name": "string",
28 "active": true,
29 "phoneNumber": "string",
30 "address": {
31 "lineOne": "string",
32 "lineTwo": "string",
33 "lineThree": "string",
34 "city": "string",
35 "state": "string",
36 "zipCode": "string",
37 "country": "string",
38 "note": "string"
39 }
40 },
41 "enrolled": true,
42 "sex": "other"
43 },
44 "site": {
45 "id": 1,
46 "name": "string",
47 "active": true,
48 "phoneNumber": "string",
49 "address": {
50 "lineOne": "string",
51 "lineTwo": "string",
52 "lineThree": "string",
53 "city": "string",
54 "state": "string",
55 "zipCode": "string",
56 "country": "string",
57 "note": "string"
58 }
59 },
60 "currentStatus": "availableForPickup",
61 "orderItems": [
62 {
63 "item": {
64 "id": 1,
65 "manufacturer": {
66 "id": 1,
67 "name": "string"
68 },
69 "name": "string",
70 "model": "string",
71 "sku": "string",
72 "orderable": true
73 },
74 "count": 0
75 }
76 ],
77 "orderKits": [
78 {
79 "kit": {
80 "id": 0,
81 "name": "string",
82 "archived": true,
83 "kitItems": [
84 {
85 "item": {
86 "id": 1,
87 "manufacturer": {
88 "id": 1,
89 "name": "string"
90 },
91 "name": "string",
92 "model": "string",
93 "sku": "string",
94 "orderable": true
95 },
96 "count": 0
97 }
98 ]
99 },
100 "count": 0
101 }
102 ],
103 "orderEvents": [
104 {
105 "name": "string",
106 "eventTimestamp": "string"
107 }
108 ],
109 "trackingNumbers": [
110 {
111 "carrier": "string",
112 "value": "string"
113 }
114 ],
115 "devices": [
116 {
117 "id": 1,
118 "item": {
119 "id": 1,
120 "manufacturer": {
121 "id": 1,
122 "name": "string"
123 },
124 "name": "string",
125 "model": "string",
126 "sku": "string",
127 "orderable": true
128 },
129 "currentStatus": "string",
130 "used": true,
131 "currentPatient": {
132 "id": 1,
133 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
134 "firstName": "John",
135 "lastName": "Doe",
136 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
137 "email": "",
138 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
139 "archived": true,
140 "address": {
141 "lineOne": "string",
142 "lineTwo": "string",
143 "lineThree": "string",
144 "city": "string",
145 "state": "string",
146 "zipCode": "string",
147 "country": "string",
148 "note": "string"
149 },
150 "site": {
151 "id": 1,
152 "name": "string",
153 "active": true,
154 "phoneNumber": "string",
155 "address": {
156 "lineOne": "string",
157 "lineTwo": "string",
158 "lineThree": "string",
159 "city": "string",
160 "state": "string",
161 "zipCode": "string",
162 "country": "string",
163 "note": "string"
164 }
165 },
166 "enrolled": true,
167 "sex": "other"
168 },
169 "site": {
170 "id": 1,
171 "name": "string",
172 "active": true,
173 "phoneNumber": "string",
174 "address": {
175 "lineOne": "string",
176 "lineTwo": "string",
177 "lineThree": "string",
178 "city": "string",
179 "state": "string",
180 "zipCode": "string",
181 "country": "string",
182 "note": "string"
183 }
184 },
185 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
186 "deviceIdentifiers": [
187 {
188 "type": "string",
189 "value": "string"
190 }
191 ],
192 "deviceEvents": [
193 {
194 "type": "string",
195 "eventTimestamp": "string"
196 }
197 ],
198 "externalIdentifier": "string",
199 "disabledReadings": true
200 }
201 ],
202 "packedKits": [
203 {
204 "kit": {
205 "id": 0,
206 "name": "string",
207 "archived": true,
208 "kitItems": [
209 {
210 "item": {
211 "id": 1,
212 "manufacturer": {
213 "id": 1,
214 "name": "string"
215 },
216 "name": "string",
217 "model": "string",
218 "sku": "string",
219 "orderable": true
220 },
221 "count": 0
222 }
223 ]
224 },
225 "devices": [
226 {
227 "id": 1,
228 "item": {
229 "id": 1,
230 "manufacturer": {
231 "id": 1,
232 "name": "string"
233 },
234 "name": "string",
235 "model": "string",
236 "sku": "string",
237 "orderable": true
238 },
239 "currentStatus": "string",
240 "used": true,
241 "currentPatient": {
242 "id": 1,
243 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
244 "firstName": "John",
245 "lastName": "Doe",
246 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
247 "email": "",
248 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
249 "archived": true,
250 "address": {
251 "lineOne": "string",
252 "lineTwo": "string",
253 "lineThree": "string",
254 "city": "string",
255 "state": "string",
256 "zipCode": "string",
257 "country": "string",
258 "note": "string"
259 },
260 "site": {
261 "id": 1,
262 "name": "string",
263 "active": true,
264 "phoneNumber": "string",
265 "address": {
266 "lineOne": "string",
267 "lineTwo": "string",
268 "lineThree": "string",
269 "city": "string",
270 "state": "string",
271 "zipCode": "string",
272 "country": "string",
273 "note": "string"
274 }
275 },
276 "enrolled": true,
277 "sex": "other"
278 },
279 "site": {
280 "id": 1,
281 "name": "string",
282 "active": true,
283 "phoneNumber": "string",
284 "address": {
285 "lineOne": "string",
286 "lineTwo": "string",
287 "lineThree": "string",
288 "city": "string",
289 "state": "string",
290 "zipCode": "string",
291 "country": "string",
292 "note": "string"
293 }
294 },
295 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
296 "deviceIdentifiers": [
297 {
298 "type": "string",
299 "value": "string"
300 }
301 ],
302 "deviceEvents": [
303 {
304 "type": "string",
305 "eventTimestamp": "string"
306 }
307 ],
308 "externalIdentifier": "string",
309 "disabledReadings": true
310 }
311 ]
312 }
313 ],
314 "shippingOption": "standard"



OrderEvent Model Sample
2 "name": "string",
3 "eventTimestamp": "string"



itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
OrderItem Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "count": 0



kitKitfalseA kit is a named collection of items that can be ordered as one unit.
OrderKit Model Sample
2 "kit": {
3 "id": 0,
4 "name": "string",
5 "archived": true,
6 "kitItems": [
7 {
8 "item": {
9 "id": 1,
10 "manufacturer": {
11 "id": 1,
12 "name": "string"
13 },
14 "name": "string",
15 "model": "string",
16 "sku": "string",
17 "orderable": true
18 },
19 "count": 0
20 }
21 ]
22 },
23 "count": 0



kitKitfalseA kit is a named collection of items that can be ordered as one unit.
devices[Device]false[A device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.]
PackedKit Model Sample
2 "kit": {
3 "id": 0,
4 "name": "string",
5 "archived": true,
6 "kitItems": [
7 {
8 "item": {
9 "id": 1,
10 "manufacturer": {
11 "id": 1,
12 "name": "string"
13 },
14 "name": "string",
15 "model": "string",
16 "sku": "string",
17 "orderable": true
18 },
19 "count": 0
20 }
21 ]
22 },
23 "devices": [
24 {
25 "id": 1,
26 "item": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "manufacturer": {
29 "id": 1,
30 "name": "string"
31 },
32 "name": "string",
33 "model": "string",
34 "sku": "string",
35 "orderable": true
36 },
37 "currentStatus": "string",
38 "used": true,
39 "currentPatient": {
40 "id": 1,
41 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
42 "firstName": "John",
43 "lastName": "Doe",
44 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
45 "email": "",
46 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
47 "archived": true,
48 "address": {
49 "lineOne": "string",
50 "lineTwo": "string",
51 "lineThree": "string",
52 "city": "string",
53 "state": "string",
54 "zipCode": "string",
55 "country": "string",
56 "note": "string"
57 },
58 "site": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "name": "string",
61 "active": true,
62 "phoneNumber": "string",
63 "address": {
64 "lineOne": "string",
65 "lineTwo": "string",
66 "lineThree": "string",
67 "city": "string",
68 "state": "string",
69 "zipCode": "string",
70 "country": "string",
71 "note": "string"
72 }
73 },
74 "enrolled": true,
75 "sex": "other"
76 },
77 "site": {
78 "id": 1,
79 "name": "string",
80 "active": true,
81 "phoneNumber": "string",
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 }
92 },
93 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
94 "deviceIdentifiers": [
95 {
96 "type": "string",
97 "value": "string"
98 }
99 ],
100 "deviceEvents": [
101 {
102 "type": "string",
103 "eventTimestamp": "string"
104 }
105 ],
106 "externalIdentifier": "string",
107 "disabledReadings": true
108 }
109 ]


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[any]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
Page Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 null
4 ],
5 "page": 0,
6 "size": 0,
7 "total": 0,
8 "first": true,
9 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[BloodGlucoseReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageBloodGlucoseReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "patient": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
12 "firstName": "John",
13 "lastName": "Doe",
14 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
15 "email": "",
16 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
17 "archived": true,
18 "address": {
19 "lineOne": "string",
20 "lineTwo": "string",
21 "lineThree": "string",
22 "city": "string",
23 "state": "string",
24 "zipCode": "string",
25 "country": "string",
26 "note": "string"
27 },
28 "site": {
29 "id": 1,
30 "name": "string",
31 "active": true,
32 "phoneNumber": "string",
33 "address": {
34 "lineOne": "string",
35 "lineTwo": "string",
36 "lineThree": "string",
37 "city": "string",
38 "state": "string",
39 "zipCode": "string",
40 "country": "string",
41 "note": "string"
42 }
43 },
44 "enrolled": true,
45 "sex": "other"
46 },
47 "item": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "manufacturer": {
50 "id": 1,
51 "name": "string"
52 },
53 "name": "string",
54 "model": "string",
55 "sku": "string",
56 "orderable": true
57 },
58 "device": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "item": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "manufacturer": {
63 "id": 1,
64 "name": "string"
65 },
66 "name": "string",
67 "model": "string",
68 "sku": "string",
69 "orderable": true
70 },
71 "currentStatus": "string",
72 "used": true,
73 "currentPatient": {
74 "id": 1,
75 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
76 "firstName": "John",
77 "lastName": "Doe",
78 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
79 "email": "",
80 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
81 "archived": true,
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 },
92 "site": {
93 "id": 1,
94 "name": "string",
95 "active": true,
96 "phoneNumber": "string",
97 "address": {
98 "lineOne": "string",
99 "lineTwo": "string",
100 "lineThree": "string",
101 "city": "string",
102 "state": "string",
103 "zipCode": "string",
104 "country": "string",
105 "note": "string"
106 }
107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
112 "id": 1,
113 "name": "string",
114 "active": true,
115 "phoneNumber": "string",
116 "address": {
117 "lineOne": "string",
118 "lineTwo": "string",
119 "lineThree": "string",
120 "city": "string",
121 "state": "string",
122 "zipCode": "string",
123 "country": "string",
124 "note": "string"
125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
131 "value": "string"
132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "glucose": 0,
144 "glucoseUnit": "mgdl",
145 "beforeMeal": true,
146 "afterMeal": true
147 }
148 ],
149 "page": 0,
150 "size": 0,
151 "total": 0,
152 "first": true,
153 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[BloodOxygenReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageBloodOxygenReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "patient": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
12 "firstName": "John",
13 "lastName": "Doe",
14 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
15 "email": "",
16 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
17 "archived": true,
18 "address": {
19 "lineOne": "string",
20 "lineTwo": "string",
21 "lineThree": "string",
22 "city": "string",
23 "state": "string",
24 "zipCode": "string",
25 "country": "string",
26 "note": "string"
27 },
28 "site": {
29 "id": 1,
30 "name": "string",
31 "active": true,
32 "phoneNumber": "string",
33 "address": {
34 "lineOne": "string",
35 "lineTwo": "string",
36 "lineThree": "string",
37 "city": "string",
38 "state": "string",
39 "zipCode": "string",
40 "country": "string",
41 "note": "string"
42 }
43 },
44 "enrolled": true,
45 "sex": "other"
46 },
47 "item": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "manufacturer": {
50 "id": 1,
51 "name": "string"
52 },
53 "name": "string",
54 "model": "string",
55 "sku": "string",
56 "orderable": true
57 },
58 "device": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "item": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "manufacturer": {
63 "id": 1,
64 "name": "string"
65 },
66 "name": "string",
67 "model": "string",
68 "sku": "string",
69 "orderable": true
70 },
71 "currentStatus": "string",
72 "used": true,
73 "currentPatient": {
74 "id": 1,
75 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
76 "firstName": "John",
77 "lastName": "Doe",
78 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
79 "email": "",
80 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
81 "archived": true,
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 },
92 "site": {
93 "id": 1,
94 "name": "string",
95 "active": true,
96 "phoneNumber": "string",
97 "address": {
98 "lineOne": "string",
99 "lineTwo": "string",
100 "lineThree": "string",
101 "city": "string",
102 "state": "string",
103 "zipCode": "string",
104 "country": "string",
105 "note": "string"
106 }
107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
112 "id": 1,
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114 "active": true,
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122 "zipCode": "string",
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125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
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132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "bloodOxygen": 0,
144 "bloodOxygenUnit": "spo2",
145 "heartRate": 0,
146 "heartRateUnit": "bpm"
147 }
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151 "total": 0,
152 "first": true,
153 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[BloodPressureReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageBloodPressureReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "patient": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
12 "firstName": "John",
13 "lastName": "Doe",
14 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
15 "email": "",
16 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
17 "archived": true,
18 "address": {
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21 "lineThree": "string",
22 "city": "string",
23 "state": "string",
24 "zipCode": "string",
25 "country": "string",
26 "note": "string"
27 },
28 "site": {
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32 "phoneNumber": "string",
33 "address": {
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36 "lineThree": "string",
37 "city": "string",
38 "state": "string",
39 "zipCode": "string",
40 "country": "string",
41 "note": "string"
42 }
43 },
44 "enrolled": true,
45 "sex": "other"
46 },
47 "item": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "manufacturer": {
50 "id": 1,
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52 },
53 "name": "string",
54 "model": "string",
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56 "orderable": true
57 },
58 "device": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "item": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "manufacturer": {
63 "id": 1,
64 "name": "string"
65 },
66 "name": "string",
67 "model": "string",
68 "sku": "string",
69 "orderable": true
70 },
71 "currentStatus": "string",
72 "used": true,
73 "currentPatient": {
74 "id": 1,
75 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
76 "firstName": "John",
77 "lastName": "Doe",
78 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
79 "email": "",
80 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
81 "archived": true,
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 },
92 "site": {
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95 "active": true,
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97 "address": {
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99 "lineTwo": "string",
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101 "city": "string",
102 "state": "string",
103 "zipCode": "string",
104 "country": "string",
105 "note": "string"
106 }
107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
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123 "country": "string",
124 "note": "string"
125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
131 "value": "string"
132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "systolic": 0,
144 "systolicUnit": "mmhg",
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146 "diastolicUnit": "mmhg",
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148 "heartRateUnit": "bpm"
149 }
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152 "size": 0,
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154 "first": true,
155 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[ClinicalNote]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageClinicalNote Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "type": "other",
6 "cptCode": {
7 "value": "string",
8 "displayAs": "string"
9 },
10 "createTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
11 "lastUpdateTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
12 "open": true,
13 "mdCode": "string",
14 "dxCode": "string",
15 "description": "string",
16 "createdBy": {
17 "id": 0,
18 "firstName": "string",
19 "lastName": "string",
20 "email": "string"
21 },
22 "assignee": {
23 "id": 0,
24 "firstName": "string",
25 "lastName": "string",
26 "email": "string"
27 },
28 "patient": {
29 "id": 1,
30 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
31 "firstName": "John",
32 "lastName": "Doe",
33 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
34 "email": "",
35 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
36 "archived": true,
37 "address": {
38 "lineOne": "string",
39 "lineTwo": "string",
40 "lineThree": "string",
41 "city": "string",
42 "state": "string",
43 "zipCode": "string",
44 "country": "string",
45 "note": "string"
46 },
47 "site": {
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50 "active": true,
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57 "state": "string",
58 "zipCode": "string",
59 "country": "string",
60 "note": "string"
61 }
62 },
63 "enrolled": true,
64 "sex": "other"
65 },
66 "activity": [
67 {
68 "createTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
69 "comment": "string",
70 "minutesSpent": 0,
71 "createdBy": {
72 "id": 0,
73 "firstName": "string",
74 "lastName": "string",
75 "email": "string"
76 }
77 }
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84 "total": 0,
85 "first": true,
86 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Device]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageDevice Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "item": {
6 "id": 1,
7 "manufacturer": {
8 "id": 1,
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10 },
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12 "model": "string",
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15 },
16 "currentStatus": "string",
17 "used": true,
18 "currentPatient": {
19 "id": 1,
20 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
21 "firstName": "John",
22 "lastName": "Doe",
23 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
24 "email": "",
25 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
26 "archived": true,
27 "address": {
28 "lineOne": "string",
29 "lineTwo": "string",
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31 "city": "string",
32 "state": "string",
33 "zipCode": "string",
34 "country": "string",
35 "note": "string"
36 },
37 "site": {
38 "id": 1,
39 "name": "string",
40 "active": true,
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42 "address": {
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45 "lineThree": "string",
46 "city": "string",
47 "state": "string",
48 "zipCode": "string",
49 "country": "string",
50 "note": "string"
51 }
52 },
53 "enrolled": true,
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56 "site": {
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59 "active": true,
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63 "lineTwo": "string",
64 "lineThree": "string",
65 "city": "string",
66 "state": "string",
67 "zipCode": "string",
68 "country": "string",
69 "note": "string"
70 }
71 },
72 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
73 "deviceIdentifiers": [
74 {
75 "type": "string",
76 "value": "string"
77 }
78 ],
79 "deviceEvents": [
80 {
81 "type": "string",
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83 }
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90 "size": 0,
91 "total": 0,
92 "first": true,
93 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[HeartRateReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageHeartRateReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "heartRate": 0,
10 "patient": {
11 "id": 1,
12 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
13 "firstName": "John",
14 "lastName": "Doe",
15 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
16 "email": "",
17 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
18 "archived": true,
19 "address": {
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38 "city": "string",
39 "state": "string",
40 "zipCode": "string",
41 "country": "string",
42 "note": "string"
43 }
44 },
45 "enrolled": true,
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47 },
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49 "id": 1,
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53 },
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56 "sku": "string",
57 "orderable": true
58 },
59 "device": {
60 "id": 1,
61 "item": {
62 "id": 1,
63 "manufacturer": {
64 "id": 1,
65 "name": "string"
66 },
67 "name": "string",
68 "model": "string",
69 "sku": "string",
70 "orderable": true
71 },
72 "currentStatus": "string",
73 "used": true,
74 "currentPatient": {
75 "id": 1,
76 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
77 "firstName": "John",
78 "lastName": "Doe",
79 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
80 "email": "",
81 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
82 "archived": true,
83 "address": {
84 "lineOne": "string",
85 "lineTwo": "string",
86 "lineThree": "string",
87 "city": "string",
88 "state": "string",
89 "zipCode": "string",
90 "country": "string",
91 "note": "string"
92 },
93 "site": {
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98 "address": {
99 "lineOne": "string",
100 "lineTwo": "string",
101 "lineThree": "string",
102 "city": "string",
103 "state": "string",
104 "zipCode": "string",
105 "country": "string",
106 "note": "string"
107 }
108 },
109 "enrolled": true,
110 "sex": "other"
111 },
112 "site": {
113 "id": 1,
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121 "city": "string",
122 "state": "string",
123 "zipCode": "string",
124 "country": "string",
125 "note": "string"
126 }
127 },
128 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
129 "deviceIdentifiers": [
130 {
131 "type": "string",
132 "value": "string"
133 }
134 ],
135 "deviceEvents": [
136 {
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150 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[HeartRateVariabilityReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageHeartRateVariabilityReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "heartRate": 0,
10 "heartRateVariability": 0.1,
11 "heartRateVariabilityDuration": 0,
12 "patient": {
13 "id": 1,
14 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
15 "firstName": "John",
16 "lastName": "Doe",
17 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
18 "email": "",
19 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
20 "archived": true,
21 "address": {
22 "lineOne": "string",
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25 "city": "string",
26 "state": "string",
27 "zipCode": "string",
28 "country": "string",
29 "note": "string"
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31 "site": {
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39 "lineThree": "string",
40 "city": "string",
41 "state": "string",
42 "zipCode": "string",
43 "country": "string",
44 "note": "string"
45 }
46 },
47 "enrolled": true,
48 "sex": "other"
49 },
50 "item": {
51 "id": 1,
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53 "id": 1,
54 "name": "string"
55 },
56 "name": "string",
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60 },
61 "device": {
62 "id": 1,
63 "item": {
64 "id": 1,
65 "manufacturer": {
66 "id": 1,
67 "name": "string"
68 },
69 "name": "string",
70 "model": "string",
71 "sku": "string",
72 "orderable": true
73 },
74 "currentStatus": "string",
75 "used": true,
76 "currentPatient": {
77 "id": 1,
78 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
79 "firstName": "John",
80 "lastName": "Doe",
81 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
82 "email": "",
83 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
84 "archived": true,
85 "address": {
86 "lineOne": "string",
87 "lineTwo": "string",
88 "lineThree": "string",
89 "city": "string",
90 "state": "string",
91 "zipCode": "string",
92 "country": "string",
93 "note": "string"
94 },
95 "site": {
96 "id": 1,
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99 "phoneNumber": "string",
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102 "lineTwo": "string",
103 "lineThree": "string",
104 "city": "string",
105 "state": "string",
106 "zipCode": "string",
107 "country": "string",
108 "note": "string"
109 }
110 },
111 "enrolled": true,
112 "sex": "other"
113 },
114 "site": {
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117 "active": true,
118 "phoneNumber": "string",
119 "address": {
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123 "city": "string",
124 "state": "string",
125 "zipCode": "string",
126 "country": "string",
127 "note": "string"
128 }
129 },
130 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
131 "deviceIdentifiers": [
132 {
133 "type": "string",
134 "value": "string"
135 }
136 ],
137 "deviceEvents": [
138 {
139 "type": "string",
140 "eventTimestamp": "string"
141 }
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143 "externalIdentifier": "string",
144 "disabledReadings": true
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146 "heartRateVariabilityAlgorithmType": "sdann"
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149 "page": 0,
150 "size": 0,
151 "total": 0,
152 "first": true,
153 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[InventoryRecord]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageInventoryRecord Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "item": {
5 "id": 1,
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7 "id": 1,
8 "name": "string"
9 },
10 "name": "string",
11 "model": "string",
12 "sku": "string",
13 "orderable": true
14 },
15 "newCount": 0,
16 "usedCount": 0,
17 "site": {
18 "id": 1,
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20 "active": true,
21 "phoneNumber": "string",
22 "address": {
23 "lineOne": "string",
24 "lineTwo": "string",
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26 "city": "string",
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36 "size": 0,
37 "total": 0,
38 "first": true,
39 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[InventorySummaryRecord]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageInventorySummaryRecord Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
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5 "id": 1,
6 "manufacturer": {
7 "id": 1,
8 "name": "string"
9 },
10 "name": "string",
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14 },
15 "newCount": 0,
16 "usedCount": 0
17 }
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22 "first": true,
23 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[ItemDetailed]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageItemDetailed Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
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6 "id": 1,
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8 },
9 "name": "string",
10 "model": "string",
11 "sku": "string",
12 "orderable": true,
13 "deviceIdentifierType": "simCardNumber",
14 "itemClass": "wearable",
15 "itemClassType": "string",
16 "size": "standard",
17 "dimensions": {
18 "length": 0.1,
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20 "height": 0.1,
21 "unit": "in"
22 },
23 "readingType": "bloodPressure"
24 }
25 ],
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27 "size": 0,
28 "total": 0,
29 "first": true,
30 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Kit]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageKit Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
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6 "archived": true,
7 "kitItems": [
8 {
9 "item": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "manufacturer": {
12 "id": 1,
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14 },
15 "name": "string",
16 "model": "string",
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18 "orderable": true
19 },
20 "count": 0
21 }
22 ]
23 }
24 ],
25 "page": 0,
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28 "first": true,
29 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Manufacturer]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageManufacturer Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "string"
6 }
7 ],
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9 "size": 0,
10 "total": 0,
11 "first": true,
12 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Order]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageOrder Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "externalOrderIds": [
6 "string"
7 ],
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9 "id": 1,
10 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
11 "firstName": "John",
12 "lastName": "Doe",
13 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
14 "email": "",
15 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
16 "archived": true,
17 "address": {
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19 "lineTwo": "string",
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21 "city": "string",
22 "state": "string",
23 "zipCode": "string",
24 "country": "string",
25 "note": "string"
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32 "address": {
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36 "city": "string",
37 "state": "string",
38 "zipCode": "string",
39 "country": "string",
40 "note": "string"
41 }
42 },
43 "enrolled": true,
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55 "city": "string",
56 "state": "string",
57 "zipCode": "string",
58 "country": "string",
59 "note": "string"
60 }
61 },
62 "currentStatus": "availableForPickup",
63 "orderItems": [
64 {
65 "item": {
66 "id": 1,
67 "manufacturer": {
68 "id": 1,
69 "name": "string"
70 },
71 "name": "string",
72 "model": "string",
73 "sku": "string",
74 "orderable": true
75 },
76 "count": 0
77 }
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80 {
81 "kit": {
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85 "kitItems": [
86 {
87 "item": {
88 "id": 1,
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90 "id": 1,
91 "name": "string"
92 },
93 "name": "string",
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96 "orderable": true
97 },
98 "count": 0
99 }
100 ]
101 },
102 "count": 0
103 }
104 ],
105 "orderEvents": [
106 {
107 "name": "string",
108 "eventTimestamp": "string"
109 }
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112 {
113 "carrier": "string",
114 "value": "string"
115 }
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118 {
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121 "id": 1,
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123 "id": 1,
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125 },
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128 "sku": "string",
129 "orderable": true
130 },
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133 "currentPatient": {
134 "id": 1,
135 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
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137 "lastName": "Doe",
138 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
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189 {
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192 }
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195 {
196 "type": "string",
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198 }
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200 "externalIdentifier": "string",
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202 }
203 ],
204 "packedKits": [
205 {
206 "kit": {
207 "id": 0,
208 "name": "string",
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210 "kitItems": [
211 {
212 "item": {
213 "id": 1,
214 "manufacturer": {
215 "id": 1,
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217 },
218 "name": "string",
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220 "sku": "string",
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223 "count": 0
224 }
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228 {
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235 },
236 "name": "string",
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239 "orderable": true
240 },
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242 "used": true,
243 "currentPatient": {
244 "id": 1,
245 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
246 "firstName": "John",
247 "lastName": "Doe",
248 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
249 "email": "",
250 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
251 "archived": true,
252 "address": {
253 "lineOne": "string",
254 "lineTwo": "string",
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262 "site": {
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271 "city": "string",
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274 "country": "string",
275 "note": "string"
276 }
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278 "enrolled": true,
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281 "site": {
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284 "active": true,
285 "phoneNumber": "string",
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290 "city": "string",
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293 "country": "string",
294 "note": "string"
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297 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
298 "deviceIdentifiers": [
299 {
300 "type": "string",
301 "value": "string"
302 }
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304 "deviceEvents": [
305 {
306 "type": "string",
307 "eventTimestamp": "string"
308 }
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322 "first": true,
323 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Patient]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PagePatient Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
6 "firstName": "John",
7 "lastName": "Doe",
8 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
9 "email": "",
10 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
11 "archived": true,
12 "address": {
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22 "site": {
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32 "state": "string",
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46 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[PeakFlowReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PagePeakFlowReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
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7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
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9 "patient": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
12 "firstName": "John",
13 "lastName": "Doe",
14 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
15 "email": "",
16 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
17 "archived": true,
18 "address": {
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21 "lineThree": "string",
22 "city": "string",
23 "state": "string",
24 "zipCode": "string",
25 "country": "string",
26 "note": "string"
27 },
28 "site": {
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37 "city": "string",
38 "state": "string",
39 "zipCode": "string",
40 "country": "string",
41 "note": "string"
42 }
43 },
44 "enrolled": true,
45 "sex": "other"
46 },
47 "item": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "manufacturer": {
50 "id": 1,
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52 },
53 "name": "string",
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57 },
58 "device": {
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60 "item": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "manufacturer": {
63 "id": 1,
64 "name": "string"
65 },
66 "name": "string",
67 "model": "string",
68 "sku": "string",
69 "orderable": true
70 },
71 "currentStatus": "string",
72 "used": true,
73 "currentPatient": {
74 "id": 1,
75 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
76 "firstName": "John",
77 "lastName": "Doe",
78 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
79 "email": "",
80 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
81 "archived": true,
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 },
92 "site": {
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94 "name": "string",
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96 "phoneNumber": "string",
97 "address": {
98 "lineOne": "string",
99 "lineTwo": "string",
100 "lineThree": "string",
101 "city": "string",
102 "state": "string",
103 "zipCode": "string",
104 "country": "string",
105 "note": "string"
106 }
107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
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113 "name": "string",
114 "active": true,
115 "phoneNumber": "string",
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120 "city": "string",
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122 "zipCode": "string",
123 "country": "string",
124 "note": "string"
125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
131 "value": "string"
132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "peakExpiratoryFlow": 0.1,
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145 "peakExpiratoryFlowUnit": "lpm",
146 "forcedExpiratoryVolumeUnit": "lps"
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152 "first": true,
153 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Procurement]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageProcurement Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "currentStatus": "string",
6 "procurementType": "string",
7 "procurementItems": [
8 {
9 "item": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "manufacturer": {
12 "id": 1,
13 "name": "string"
14 },
15 "name": "string",
16 "model": "string",
17 "sku": "string",
18 "orderable": true
19 },
20 "quantityRequested": 0,
21 "quantityApproved": 0,
22 "costPerItem": 0.1,
23 "trackingNumbers": [
24 {
25 "carrier": "string",
26 "value": "string"
27 }
28 ]
29 }
30 ],
31 "procurementEvents": [
32 {
33 "name": "string",
34 "eventTimestamp": "string"
35 }
36 ]
37 }
38 ],
39 "page": 0,
40 "size": 0,
41 "total": 0,
42 "first": true,
43 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Return]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageReturn Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "patient": {
6 "id": 1,
7 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
8 "firstName": "John",
9 "lastName": "Doe",
10 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
11 "email": "",
12 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
13 "archived": true,
14 "address": {
15 "lineOne": "string",
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18 "city": "string",
19 "state": "string",
20 "zipCode": "string",
21 "country": "string",
22 "note": "string"
23 },
24 "site": {
25 "id": 1,
26 "name": "string",
27 "active": true,
28 "phoneNumber": "string",
29 "address": {
30 "lineOne": "string",
31 "lineTwo": "string",
32 "lineThree": "string",
33 "city": "string",
34 "state": "string",
35 "zipCode": "string",
36 "country": "string",
37 "note": "string"
38 }
39 },
40 "enrolled": true,
41 "sex": "other"
42 },
43 "site": {
44 "id": 1,
45 "name": "string",
46 "active": true,
47 "phoneNumber": "string",
48 "address": {
49 "lineOne": "string",
50 "lineTwo": "string",
51 "lineThree": "string",
52 "city": "string",
53 "state": "string",
54 "zipCode": "string",
55 "country": "string",
56 "note": "string"
57 }
58 },
59 "currentStatus": "string",
60 "returnKits": [
61 {
62 "id": 0,
63 "name": "string",
64 "archived": true,
65 "kitItems": [
66 {
67 "item": {
68 "id": 1,
69 "manufacturer": {
70 "id": 1,
71 "name": "string"
72 },
73 "name": "string",
74 "model": "string",
75 "sku": "string",
76 "orderable": true
77 },
78 "count": 0
79 }
80 ]
81 }
82 ],
83 "returnItems": [
84 {
85 "item": {
86 "id": 1,
87 "manufacturer": {
88 "id": 1,
89 "name": "string"
90 },
91 "name": "string",
92 "model": "string",
93 "sku": "string",
94 "orderable": true
95 },
96 "count": 0
97 }
98 ],
99 "returnEvents": [
100 {
101 "type": "string",
102 "eventTimestamp": "string"
103 }
104 ],
105 "trackingNumbers": [
106 {
107 "carrier": "string",
108 "value": "string"
109 }
110 ],
111 "returnDevices": [
112 {
113 "id": 1,
114 "item": {
115 "id": 1,
116 "manufacturer": {
117 "id": 1,
118 "name": "string"
119 },
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121 "model": "string",
122 "sku": "string",
123 "orderable": true
124 },
125 "currentStatus": "string",
126 "used": true,
127 "currentPatient": {
128 "id": 1,
129 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
130 "firstName": "John",
131 "lastName": "Doe",
132 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
133 "email": "",
134 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
135 "archived": true,
136 "address": {
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143 "country": "string",
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149 "active": true,
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151 "address": {
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155 "city": "string",
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157 "zipCode": "string",
158 "country": "string",
159 "note": "string"
160 }
161 },
162 "enrolled": true,
163 "sex": "other"
164 },
165 "site": {
166 "id": 1,
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168 "active": true,
169 "phoneNumber": "string",
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172 "lineTwo": "string",
173 "lineThree": "string",
174 "city": "string",
175 "state": "string",
176 "zipCode": "string",
177 "country": "string",
178 "note": "string"
179 }
180 },
181 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
182 "deviceIdentifiers": [
183 {
184 "type": "string",
185 "value": "string"
186 }
187 ],
188 "deviceEvents": [
189 {
190 "type": "string",
191 "eventTimestamp": "string"
192 }
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196 }
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198 "relatedOrderId": 0
199 }
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202 "size": 0,
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204 "first": true,
205 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Site]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageSite Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "name": "string",
6 "active": true,
7 "phoneNumber": "string",
8 "address": {
9 "lineOne": "string",
10 "lineTwo": "string",
11 "lineThree": "string",
12 "city": "string",
13 "state": "string",
14 "zipCode": "string",
15 "country": "string",
16 "note": "string"
17 }
18 }
19 ],
20 "page": 0,
21 "size": 0,
22 "total": 0,
23 "first": true,
24 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[SleepMatActivityReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageSleepMatActivityReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
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Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[SleepMatDurationReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageSleepMatDurationReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
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7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
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135 {
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Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[SupportTicket]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageSupportTicket Model Sample
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Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[TemperatureReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
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PageTemperatureReading Model Sample
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107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
112 "id": 1,
113 "name": "string",
114 "active": true,
115 "phoneNumber": "string",
116 "address": {
117 "lineOne": "string",
118 "lineTwo": "string",
119 "lineThree": "string",
120 "city": "string",
121 "state": "string",
122 "zipCode": "string",
123 "country": "string",
124 "note": "string"
125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
131 "value": "string"
132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "temperatureUnit": "string",
144 "temperature": 0.1
145 }
146 ],
147 "page": 0,
148 "size": 0,
149 "total": 0,
150 "first": true,
151 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[TransferRequest]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageTransferRequest Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "fromCustomer": {
6 "id": 0,
7 "name": "string"
8 },
9 "toCustomer": {
10 "id": 0,
11 "name": "string"
12 },
13 "currentStatus": "requested",
14 "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
15 "transferRequestNotes": [
16 {
17 "note": "string",
18 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"
19 }
20 ],
21 "transferRequestEvents": [
22 {
23 "name": "requested",
24 "eventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
25 }
26 ],
27 "transferItems": [
28 {
29 "item": {
30 "id": 1,
31 "manufacturer": {
32 "id": 1,
33 "name": "string"
34 },
35 "name": "string",
36 "model": "string",
37 "sku": "string",
38 "orderable": true
39 },
40 "count": 0,
41 "devices": [
42 {
43 "id": 1,
44 "item": {
45 "id": 1,
46 "manufacturer": {
47 "id": 1,
48 "name": "string"
49 },
50 "name": "string",
51 "model": "string",
52 "sku": "string",
53 "orderable": true
54 },
55 "currentStatus": "string",
56 "used": true,
57 "currentPatient": {
58 "id": 1,
59 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
60 "firstName": "John",
61 "lastName": "Doe",
62 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
63 "email": "",
64 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
65 "archived": true,
66 "address": {
67 "lineOne": "string",
68 "lineTwo": "string",
69 "lineThree": "string",
70 "city": "string",
71 "state": "string",
72 "zipCode": "string",
73 "country": "string",
74 "note": "string"
75 },
76 "site": {
77 "id": 1,
78 "name": "string",
79 "active": true,
80 "phoneNumber": "string",
81 "address": {
82 "lineOne": "string",
83 "lineTwo": "string",
84 "lineThree": "string",
85 "city": "string",
86 "state": "string",
87 "zipCode": "string",
88 "country": "string",
89 "note": "string"
90 }
91 },
92 "enrolled": true,
93 "sex": "other"
94 },
95 "site": {
96 "id": 1,
97 "name": "string",
98 "active": true,
99 "phoneNumber": "string",
100 "address": {
101 "lineOne": "string",
102 "lineTwo": "string",
103 "lineThree": "string",
104 "city": "string",
105 "state": "string",
106 "zipCode": "string",
107 "country": "string",
108 "note": "string"
109 }
110 },
111 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
112 "deviceIdentifiers": [
113 {
114 "type": "string",
115 "value": "string"
116 }
117 ],
118 "deviceEvents": [
119 {
120 "type": "string",
121 "eventTimestamp": "string"
122 }
123 ],
124 "externalIdentifier": "string",
125 "disabledReadings": true
126 }
127 ]
128 }
129 ]
130 }
131 ],
132 "page": 0,
133 "size": 0,
134 "total": 0,
135 "first": true,
136 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[Webhook]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageWebhook Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "type": "eventType",
6 "url": ""
7 }
8 ],
9 "page": 0,
10 "size": 0,
11 "total": 0,
12 "first": true,
13 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[WebhookLog]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageWebhookLog Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 1,
5 "webhookId": 1,
6 "webhookType": "order.status",
7 "webhookUrl": "",
8 "payload": "{'id':1234}",
9 "createTimestamp": "2023-08-22T14:15:30.345Z",
10 "lastResponseStatus": 200,
11 "retryAttempts": 3,
12 "lastRetryTimestamp": "2023-08-22T14:15:30.345Z"
13 }
14 ],
15 "page": 0,
16 "size": 0,
17 "total": 0,
18 "first": true,
19 "last": true


Pagination is supported whenever an API response returns a list of objects. In paginated responses, objects are nested in a content attribute and have first and last attributes indicating whether you are on the first or last page, respectively. Additionally, the pagination response includes a page attribute indicating the current page number, a size attribute indicating the current page size, and a total attribute indicating the number of objects matching the request.


content[WeightReading]falseThe content of the page, consisting of a list of objects.
pageinteger(int32)falseThe current page number. The first page has value 1.
sizeinteger(int32)falseThe current page size. Default 15, maximum 250.
totalinteger(int32)falseThe number of objects matching the request.
firstbooleanfalseTrue if this is the first page, false otherwise.
lastbooleanfalseTrue if this is the last page, false otherwise.
PageWeightReading Model Sample
2 "content": [
3 {
4 "id": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
6 "manual": true,
7 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
8 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
9 "patient": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
12 "firstName": "John",
13 "lastName": "Doe",
14 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
15 "email": "",
16 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
17 "archived": true,
18 "address": {
19 "lineOne": "string",
20 "lineTwo": "string",
21 "lineThree": "string",
22 "city": "string",
23 "state": "string",
24 "zipCode": "string",
25 "country": "string",
26 "note": "string"
27 },
28 "site": {
29 "id": 1,
30 "name": "string",
31 "active": true,
32 "phoneNumber": "string",
33 "address": {
34 "lineOne": "string",
35 "lineTwo": "string",
36 "lineThree": "string",
37 "city": "string",
38 "state": "string",
39 "zipCode": "string",
40 "country": "string",
41 "note": "string"
42 }
43 },
44 "enrolled": true,
45 "sex": "other"
46 },
47 "item": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "manufacturer": {
50 "id": 1,
51 "name": "string"
52 },
53 "name": "string",
54 "model": "string",
55 "sku": "string",
56 "orderable": true
57 },
58 "device": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "item": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "manufacturer": {
63 "id": 1,
64 "name": "string"
65 },
66 "name": "string",
67 "model": "string",
68 "sku": "string",
69 "orderable": true
70 },
71 "currentStatus": "string",
72 "used": true,
73 "currentPatient": {
74 "id": 1,
75 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
76 "firstName": "John",
77 "lastName": "Doe",
78 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
79 "email": "",
80 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
81 "archived": true,
82 "address": {
83 "lineOne": "string",
84 "lineTwo": "string",
85 "lineThree": "string",
86 "city": "string",
87 "state": "string",
88 "zipCode": "string",
89 "country": "string",
90 "note": "string"
91 },
92 "site": {
93 "id": 1,
94 "name": "string",
95 "active": true,
96 "phoneNumber": "string",
97 "address": {
98 "lineOne": "string",
99 "lineTwo": "string",
100 "lineThree": "string",
101 "city": "string",
102 "state": "string",
103 "zipCode": "string",
104 "country": "string",
105 "note": "string"
106 }
107 },
108 "enrolled": true,
109 "sex": "other"
110 },
111 "site": {
112 "id": 1,
113 "name": "string",
114 "active": true,
115 "phoneNumber": "string",
116 "address": {
117 "lineOne": "string",
118 "lineTwo": "string",
119 "lineThree": "string",
120 "city": "string",
121 "state": "string",
122 "zipCode": "string",
123 "country": "string",
124 "note": "string"
125 }
126 },
127 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
128 "deviceIdentifiers": [
129 {
130 "type": "string",
131 "value": "string"
132 }
133 ],
134 "deviceEvents": [
135 {
136 "type": "string",
137 "eventTimestamp": "string"
138 }
139 ],
140 "externalIdentifier": "string",
141 "disabledReadings": true
142 },
143 "weight": 0.1,
144 "weightUnit": "lbs"
145 }
146 ],
147 "page": 0,
148 "size": 0,
149 "total": 0,
150 "first": true,
151 "last": true



idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient, managed by Impilo.
externalIdentifierstringfalseUnique external identifier for the patient, managed by the customer.
firstNamestringtrueThe patient’s first name.
lastNamestringtrueThe patient’s last name.
dateOfBirthstring(date)falseThe patient’s date of birth in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
emailstring(email)falseThe patient’s email.
phoneNumberstringfalseThe patient’s phone number.
archivedbooleanfalseTrue if the patient is archived, false otherwise.
addressAddressfalseThe patient’s shipping address. Required on all endpoints except PATCH patient.
siteSitefalseThe site responsible for this patient.
enrolledbooleanfalseThe enrollment status. False if disenrolled.
Patient Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
4 "firstName": "John",
5 "lastName": "Doe",
6 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
7 "email": "",
8 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
9 "archived": true,
10 "address": {
11 "lineOne": "string",
12 "lineTwo": "string",
13 "lineThree": "string",
14 "city": "string",
15 "state": "string",
16 "zipCode": "string",
17 "country": "string",
18 "note": "string"
19 },
20 "site": {
21 "id": 1,
22 "name": "string",
23 "active": true,
24 "phoneNumber": "string",
25 "address": {
26 "lineOne": "string",
27 "lineTwo": "string",
28 "lineThree": "string",
29 "city": "string",
30 "state": "string",
31 "zipCode": "string",
32 "country": "string",
33 "note": "string"
34 }
35 },
36 "enrolled": true,
37 "sex": "other"


Enumerated Values

PatientSort Model Sample


Enumerated Values

lpmPeak expiratory flow unit of measurement is liters per minute.
PeakExpiratoryFlowUnit Model Sample


This page describes Impilo’s peak flow reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
deviceDevicefalseA device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.
PeakFlowReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "peakExpiratoryFlow": 0.1,
142 "forcedExpiratoryVolume": 0.1,
143 "peakExpiratoryFlowUnit": "lpm",
144 "forcedExpiratoryVolumeUnit": "lps"


This page describes Impilo’s peak flow reading request model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
peakExpiratoryFlownumber(double)trueThe Peak Expiratory Flow, measured in L/min.
forcedExpiratoryVolumeInOneSecondnumber(double)falseThe Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second value, in L.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
PeakFlowReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "peakExpiratoryFlow": 0.1,
8 "forcedExpiratoryVolumeInOneSecond": 0.1,
9 "manual": true


A procurement is a procurement of devices by a customer.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the site, managed by Impilo.
currentStatusstringfalseThe current status of the procurement
procurementTypestringfalseThe type of the procurement.
procurementItems[ProcurementItem]falseList of items on the procurement
procurementEvents[ProcurementEvent]falseList of events attached to the procurement
Procurement Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "currentStatus": "string",
4 "procurementType": "string",
5 "procurementItems": [
6 {
7 "item": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "manufacturer": {
10 "id": 1,
11 "name": "string"
12 },
13 "name": "string",
14 "model": "string",
15 "sku": "string",
16 "orderable": true
17 },
18 "quantityRequested": 0,
19 "quantityApproved": 0,
20 "costPerItem": 0.1,
21 "trackingNumbers": [
22 {
23 "carrier": "string",
24 "value": "string"
25 }
26 ]
27 }
28 ],
29 "procurementEvents": [
30 {
31 "name": "string",
32 "eventTimestamp": "string"
33 }
34 ]



ProcurementEvent Model Sample
2 "name": "string",
3 "eventTimestamp": "string"



itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
trackingNumbers[TrackingNumber]false[The tracking number model includes details about the shipping carrier and the tracking number value.]
ProcurementItem Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "quantityRequested": 0,
14 "quantityApproved": 0,
15 "costPerItem": 0.1,
16 "trackingNumbers": [
17 {
18 "carrier": "string",
19 "value": "string"
20 }
21 ]


Enumerated Values

bloodPressureBlood pressure reading type.
sleepMatActivitySleep Mat Activity reading type.
heartRateVariabilityHeart rate variability reading type.
heartRateHeart rate reading type.
spo2SPO2 (oxygen saturation) reading type.
temperatureTemperature reading type.
weightWeight reading type.
peakFlowPeak Flow expiratory reading type.
continuousBloodGlucoseContinuous blood glucose reading type.
sleepMatDurationSleep Mat Duration reading type.
bloodGlucoseBlood glucose reading type.
ReadingType Model Sample


A return is an occurrence of a device(s) or non-tracked item(s) being returned by a Patient.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the return, managed by Impilo.
patientPatientfalseThe patient that is making the return.
siteSitefalseThe site that is making the return.
currentStatusstringfalseThe current status of this return.
returnKits[Kit]falseAn array of kits related to items expected on this return.
returnItems[ReturnItem]falseAn array of non-tracked items expected on this return.
returnEvents[ReturnEvent]falseAn array of the return events for this return.
trackingNumbers[TrackingNumber]falseAn array of tracking numbers associated with this return.
returnDevices[Device]falseAn array of devices expected on this return.
relatedOrderIdinteger(int64)falseThe identifier of a related order, if exists.
Return Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "patient": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
6 "firstName": "John",
7 "lastName": "Doe",
8 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
9 "email": "",
10 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
11 "archived": true,
12 "address": {
13 "lineOne": "string",
14 "lineTwo": "string",
15 "lineThree": "string",
16 "city": "string",
17 "state": "string",
18 "zipCode": "string",
19 "country": "string",
20 "note": "string"
21 },
22 "site": {
23 "id": 1,
24 "name": "string",
25 "active": true,
26 "phoneNumber": "string",
27 "address": {
28 "lineOne": "string",
29 "lineTwo": "string",
30 "lineThree": "string",
31 "city": "string",
32 "state": "string",
33 "zipCode": "string",
34 "country": "string",
35 "note": "string"
36 }
37 },
38 "enrolled": true,
39 "sex": "other"
40 },
41 "site": {
42 "id": 1,
43 "name": "string",
44 "active": true,
45 "phoneNumber": "string",
46 "address": {
47 "lineOne": "string",
48 "lineTwo": "string",
49 "lineThree": "string",
50 "city": "string",
51 "state": "string",
52 "zipCode": "string",
53 "country": "string",
54 "note": "string"
55 }
56 },
57 "currentStatus": "string",
58 "returnKits": [
59 {
60 "id": 0,
61 "name": "string",
62 "archived": true,
63 "kitItems": [
64 {
65 "item": {
66 "id": 1,
67 "manufacturer": {
68 "id": 1,
69 "name": "string"
70 },
71 "name": "string",
72 "model": "string",
73 "sku": "string",
74 "orderable": true
75 },
76 "count": 0
77 }
78 ]
79 }
80 ],
81 "returnItems": [
82 {
83 "item": {
84 "id": 1,
85 "manufacturer": {
86 "id": 1,
87 "name": "string"
88 },
89 "name": "string",
90 "model": "string",
91 "sku": "string",
92 "orderable": true
93 },
94 "count": 0
95 }
96 ],
97 "returnEvents": [
98 {
99 "type": "string",
100 "eventTimestamp": "string"
101 }
102 ],
103 "trackingNumbers": [
104 {
105 "carrier": "string",
106 "value": "string"
107 }
108 ],
109 "returnDevices": [
110 {
111 "id": 1,
112 "item": {
113 "id": 1,
114 "manufacturer": {
115 "id": 1,
116 "name": "string"
117 },
118 "name": "string",
119 "model": "string",
120 "sku": "string",
121 "orderable": true
122 },
123 "currentStatus": "string",
124 "used": true,
125 "currentPatient": {
126 "id": 1,
127 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
128 "firstName": "John",
129 "lastName": "Doe",
130 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
131 "email": "",
132 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
133 "archived": true,
134 "address": {
135 "lineOne": "string",
136 "lineTwo": "string",
137 "lineThree": "string",
138 "city": "string",
139 "state": "string",
140 "zipCode": "string",
141 "country": "string",
142 "note": "string"
143 },
144 "site": {
145 "id": 1,
146 "name": "string",
147 "active": true,
148 "phoneNumber": "string",
149 "address": {
150 "lineOne": "string",
151 "lineTwo": "string",
152 "lineThree": "string",
153 "city": "string",
154 "state": "string",
155 "zipCode": "string",
156 "country": "string",
157 "note": "string"
158 }
159 },
160 "enrolled": true,
161 "sex": "other"
162 },
163 "site": {
164 "id": 1,
165 "name": "string",
166 "active": true,
167 "phoneNumber": "string",
168 "address": {
169 "lineOne": "string",
170 "lineTwo": "string",
171 "lineThree": "string",
172 "city": "string",
173 "state": "string",
174 "zipCode": "string",
175 "country": "string",
176 "note": "string"
177 }
178 },
179 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
180 "deviceIdentifiers": [
181 {
182 "type": "string",
183 "value": "string"
184 }
185 ],
186 "deviceEvents": [
187 {
188 "type": "string",
189 "eventTimestamp": "string"
190 }
191 ],
192 "externalIdentifier": "string",
193 "disabledReadings": true
194 }
195 ],
196 "relatedOrderId": 0



idinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device expected on this return.
ReturnDevice Model Sample
2 "id": 0



typestringfalseThe event type for the Return Event.
eventTimestampstringfalseThe timestamp when the Return Event was created.
ReturnEvent Model Sample
2 "type": "string",
3 "eventTimestamp": "string"



itemItemfalseThe item type expected on this return.
countinteger(int32)falseThe quantity of this item type expected on this return.
ReturnItem Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "count": 0


Enumerated Values

receivingReturn merchandise authorization is in receiving.
arrivedReturn merchandise authorization has arrived at Impilo.
pendingReturnReturn merchandise authorization is pending return.
outboundReturn merchandise authorization is outbound to patient.
rmaPlacedReturn merchandise authorization has been placed.
voidedReturn merchandise authorization has been voided.
completedReturn merchandise authorization is complete.
inTransitReturn merchandise authorization is in transit to Impilo.
ReturnMerchAuthStatus Model Sample


Enumerated Values

otherSex other than male or female.
femaleFemale sex.
maleMale sex.
unknownSex is unknown.
Sex Model Sample


Enumerated Values

standardStandard shipping option.
overnightOvernight shipping option.
ShippingOption Model Sample



idinteger(int64)falseThe id of the item expected on this return.
countinteger(int32)falseThe item quantity being returned
SimpleReturnItem Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "count": 0


A site is a customer-managed location that interacts with Impilo’s services. Patient may be associated with a site, and a customer may order items and hold inventory at a site.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the site, managed by Impilo.
namestringfalseThe name of the site.
activebooleanfalseTrue if the site is active, false otherwise.
phoneNumberstringfalsePhone number for the site.
addressAddressfalseThe shipping address for the site.
Site Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "name": "string",
4 "active": true,
5 "phoneNumber": "string",
6 "address": {
7 "lineOne": "string",
8 "lineTwo": "string",
9 "lineThree": "string",
10 "city": "string",
11 "state": "string",
12 "zipCode": "string",
13 "country": "string",
14 "note": "string"
15 }


This page describes Impilo’s sleep mat activity reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
deviceDevicefalseA device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.
SleepMatActivityReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "respiration": 0,
142 "heartRate": 0,
143 "bodyTurnOver": 0,
144 "duration": "string",
145 "bedTime": [
146 "string"
147 ],
148 "getUpTime": [
149 "string"
150 ]


This page describes Impilo’s sleep mat activity reading request model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
respirationinteger(int32)trueRespiratory rate per minute during sleep.
heartRateinteger(int32)trueAverage heart rate per minutes during recorded period.
bodyTurnOverinteger(int32)trueNumber of times the subject rolled over during the recorded period.
durationstringtrueDuration of sleep during tracked period.
bedTime[string]trueList of times sleep started during the period.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
upTime[string]trueList of times sleep was disrupted due to subject getting up during the period.
SleepMatActivityReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "respiration": 0,
8 "heartRate": 0,
9 "bodyTurnOver": 0,
10 "duration": "string",
11 "bedTime": [
12 "string"
13 ],
14 "manual": true,
15 "upTime": [
16 "string"
17 ],
18 "getUpTime": [
19 "string"
20 ]


This page describes Impilo’s sleep mat duration reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
itemItemfalseAn item is any of the supplies handled by Impilo. Examples include medical devices like a blood pressure monitor or weight scale, but the term ‘item’ also refers to non-medical supplies like AAA batteries and package inserts. A customer catalog is a subset of all items supported by Impilo. This is set during onboarding and may be modified by your account manager at any time. A customer may view the items in their catalog.
deviceDevicefalseA device is an instance of an item. Impilo creates device records for items that are serialized, i.e., items where each individual unit is identified by a serial number, IMEI, or other identifier.
SleepMatDurationReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "respiration": 0,
142 "heartRate": 0,
143 "bodyTurnOver": 0,
144 "duration": "string",
145 "rem": 0,
146 "deepSleep": 0,
147 "lightSleep": 0


This page describes Impilo’s sleep mat duration reading request model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
respirationinteger(int32)trueRespiratory rate per minute during sleep.
heartRateinteger(int32)trueAverage heart rate per minutes during recorded period.
bodyTurnOverinteger(int32)trueNumber of times the subject rolled over during the recorded period.
durationstringtrueDuration of sleep during tracked period.
reminteger(int32)trueNumber of minutes of detected rem sleep.
deepSleepinteger(int32)trueNumber of minutes of detected deep sleep.
lightSleepinteger(int32)trueNumber of minutes of detected light sleep.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
SleepMatDurationReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "respiration": 0,
8 "heartRate": 0,
9 "bodyTurnOver": 0,
10 "duration": "string",
11 "rem": 0,
12 "deepSleep": 0,
13 "lightSleep": 0,
14 "manual": true


A Support Ticket is a case that’s been opened by either an Impilo team member, a Customer team member, or a Patient.


idinteger(int64)falseThe ID of the Support Ticket.
customerCustomerfalseThe Customer to whom this Support Ticket belongs.
patientPatientfalseThe Patient that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable.
orderOrderfalseThe Order that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable.
deviceDevicefalseThe Device that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable.
siteSitefalseThe Site that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable.
ticketTypeSupportTicketTypefalseThe type of Support Ticket.
supportTicketNotes[SupportTicketNote]falseA list of all SupportTicketNotes attached to this Support Ticket.
supportTicketEvents[SupportTicketEvent]falseA list of all SupportTicketEvents attached to this Support Ticket.
currentStatusSupportTicketStatusfalseThe current status of the Support Ticket.
openbooleanfalseWhether or not the ticket is considered open or closed.
assignedTeamTeamfalseThe team that’s assigned this Support Ticket, if any.
assigneeEndUserfalseThe EndUser assigned to this Support Ticket, if any.
createdByEndUserfalseThe creator of this Support Ticket.
createdAtstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the Support Ticket was created.
lastUpdatedstring(date-time)falseThe most recent time that this Support Ticket was updated in some form.
SupportTicket Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "customer": {
4 "id": 0,
5 "name": "string"
6 },
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "order": {
46 "id": 0,
47 "externalOrderIds": [
48 "string"
49 ],
50 "patient": {
51 "id": 1,
52 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
53 "firstName": "John",
54 "lastName": "Doe",
55 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
56 "email": "",
57 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
58 "archived": true,
59 "address": {
60 "lineOne": "string",
61 "lineTwo": "string",
62 "lineThree": "string",
63 "city": "string",
64 "state": "string",
65 "zipCode": "string",
66 "country": "string",
67 "note": "string"
68 },
69 "site": {
70 "id": 1,
71 "name": "string",
72 "active": true,
73 "phoneNumber": "string",
74 "address": {
75 "lineOne": "string",
76 "lineTwo": "string",
77 "lineThree": "string",
78 "city": "string",
79 "state": "string",
80 "zipCode": "string",
81 "country": "string",
82 "note": "string"
83 }
84 },
85 "enrolled": true,
86 "sex": "other"
87 },
88 "site": {
89 "id": 1,
90 "name": "string",
91 "active": true,
92 "phoneNumber": "string",
93 "address": {
94 "lineOne": "string",
95 "lineTwo": "string",
96 "lineThree": "string",
97 "city": "string",
98 "state": "string",
99 "zipCode": "string",
100 "country": "string",
101 "note": "string"
102 }
103 },
104 "currentStatus": "availableForPickup",
105 "orderItems": [
106 {
107 "item": {
108 "id": 1,
109 "manufacturer": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string"
112 },
113 "name": "string",
114 "model": "string",
115 "sku": "string",
116 "orderable": true
117 },
118 "count": 0
119 }
120 ],
121 "orderKits": [
122 {
123 "kit": {
124 "id": 0,
125 "name": "string",
126 "archived": true,
127 "kitItems": [
128 {
129 "item": {
130 "id": 1,
131 "manufacturer": {
132 "id": 1,
133 "name": "string"
134 },
135 "name": "string",
136 "model": "string",
137 "sku": "string",
138 "orderable": true
139 },
140 "count": 0
141 }
142 ]
143 },
144 "count": 0
145 }
146 ],
147 "orderEvents": [
148 {
149 "name": "string",
150 "eventTimestamp": "string"
151 }
152 ],
153 "trackingNumbers": [
154 {
155 "carrier": "string",
156 "value": "string"
157 }
158 ],
159 "devices": [
160 {
161 "id": 1,
162 "item": {
163 "id": 1,
164 "manufacturer": {
165 "id": 1,
166 "name": "string"
167 },
168 "name": "string",
169 "model": "string",
170 "sku": "string",
171 "orderable": true
172 },
173 "currentStatus": "string",
174 "used": true,
175 "currentPatient": {
176 "id": 1,
177 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
178 "firstName": "John",
179 "lastName": "Doe",
180 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
181 "email": "",
182 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
183 "archived": true,
184 "address": {
185 "lineOne": "string",
186 "lineTwo": "string",
187 "lineThree": "string",
188 "city": "string",
189 "state": "string",
190 "zipCode": "string",
191 "country": "string",
192 "note": "string"
193 },
194 "site": {
195 "id": 1,
196 "name": "string",
197 "active": true,
198 "phoneNumber": "string",
199 "address": {
200 "lineOne": "string",
201 "lineTwo": "string",
202 "lineThree": "string",
203 "city": "string",
204 "state": "string",
205 "zipCode": "string",
206 "country": "string",
207 "note": "string"
208 }
209 },
210 "enrolled": true,
211 "sex": "other"
212 },
213 "site": {
214 "id": 1,
215 "name": "string",
216 "active": true,
217 "phoneNumber": "string",
218 "address": {
219 "lineOne": "string",
220 "lineTwo": "string",
221 "lineThree": "string",
222 "city": "string",
223 "state": "string",
224 "zipCode": "string",
225 "country": "string",
226 "note": "string"
227 }
228 },
229 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
230 "deviceIdentifiers": [
231 {
232 "type": "string",
233 "value": "string"
234 }
235 ],
236 "deviceEvents": [
237 {
238 "type": "string",
239 "eventTimestamp": "string"
240 }
241 ],
242 "externalIdentifier": "string",
243 "disabledReadings": true
244 }
245 ],
246 "packedKits": [
247 {
248 "kit": {
249 "id": 0,
250 "name": "string",
251 "archived": true,
252 "kitItems": [
253 {
254 "item": {
255 "id": 1,
256 "manufacturer": {
257 "id": 1,
258 "name": "string"
259 },
260 "name": "string",
261 "model": "string",
262 "sku": "string",
263 "orderable": true
264 },
265 "count": 0
266 }
267 ]
268 },
269 "devices": [
270 {
271 "id": 1,
272 "item": {
273 "id": 1,
274 "manufacturer": {
275 "id": 1,
276 "name": "string"
277 },
278 "name": "string",
279 "model": "string",
280 "sku": "string",
281 "orderable": true
282 },
283 "currentStatus": "string",
284 "used": true,
285 "currentPatient": {
286 "id": 1,
287 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
288 "firstName": "John",
289 "lastName": "Doe",
290 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
291 "email": "",
292 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
293 "archived": true,
294 "address": {
295 "lineOne": "string",
296 "lineTwo": "string",
297 "lineThree": "string",
298 "city": "string",
299 "state": "string",
300 "zipCode": "string",
301 "country": "string",
302 "note": "string"
303 },
304 "site": {
305 "id": 1,
306 "name": "string",
307 "active": true,
308 "phoneNumber": "string",
309 "address": {
310 "lineOne": "string",
311 "lineTwo": "string",
312 "lineThree": "string",
313 "city": "string",
314 "state": "string",
315 "zipCode": "string",
316 "country": "string",
317 "note": "string"
318 }
319 },
320 "enrolled": true,
321 "sex": "other"
322 },
323 "site": {
324 "id": 1,
325 "name": "string",
326 "active": true,
327 "phoneNumber": "string",
328 "address": {
329 "lineOne": "string",
330 "lineTwo": "string",
331 "lineThree": "string",
332 "city": "string",
333 "state": "string",
334 "zipCode": "string",
335 "country": "string",
336 "note": "string"
337 }
338 },
339 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
340 "deviceIdentifiers": [
341 {
342 "type": "string",
343 "value": "string"
344 }
345 ],
346 "deviceEvents": [
347 {
348 "type": "string",
349 "eventTimestamp": "string"
350 }
351 ],
352 "externalIdentifier": "string",
353 "disabledReadings": true
354 }
355 ]
356 }
357 ],
358 "shippingOption": "standard"
359 },
360 "device": {
361 "id": 1,
362 "item": {
363 "id": 1,
364 "manufacturer": {
365 "id": 1,
366 "name": "string"
367 },
368 "name": "string",
369 "model": "string",
370 "sku": "string",
371 "orderable": true
372 },
373 "currentStatus": "string",
374 "used": true,
375 "currentPatient": {
376 "id": 1,
377 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
378 "firstName": "John",
379 "lastName": "Doe",
380 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
381 "email": "",
382 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
383 "archived": true,
384 "address": {
385 "lineOne": "string",
386 "lineTwo": "string",
387 "lineThree": "string",
388 "city": "string",
389 "state": "string",
390 "zipCode": "string",
391 "country": "string",
392 "note": "string"
393 },
394 "site": {
395 "id": 1,
396 "name": "string",
397 "active": true,
398 "phoneNumber": "string",
399 "address": {
400 "lineOne": "string",
401 "lineTwo": "string",
402 "lineThree": "string",
403 "city": "string",
404 "state": "string",
405 "zipCode": "string",
406 "country": "string",
407 "note": "string"
408 }
409 },
410 "enrolled": true,
411 "sex": "other"
412 },
413 "site": {
414 "id": 1,
415 "name": "string",
416 "active": true,
417 "phoneNumber": "string",
418 "address": {
419 "lineOne": "string",
420 "lineTwo": "string",
421 "lineThree": "string",
422 "city": "string",
423 "state": "string",
424 "zipCode": "string",
425 "country": "string",
426 "note": "string"
427 }
428 },
429 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
430 "deviceIdentifiers": [
431 {
432 "type": "string",
433 "value": "string"
434 }
435 ],
436 "deviceEvents": [
437 {
438 "type": "string",
439 "eventTimestamp": "string"
440 }
441 ],
442 "externalIdentifier": "string",
443 "disabledReadings": true
444 },
445 "site": {
446 "id": 1,
447 "name": "string",
448 "active": true,
449 "phoneNumber": "string",
450 "address": {
451 "lineOne": "string",
452 "lineTwo": "string",
453 "lineThree": "string",
454 "city": "string",
455 "state": "string",
456 "zipCode": "string",
457 "country": "string",
458 "note": "string"
459 }
460 },
461 "ticketType": "other",
462 "supportTicketNotes": [
463 {
464 "createdBy": {
465 "id": 0,
466 "firstName": "string",
467 "lastName": "string",
468 "email": "string"
469 },
470 "note": "string",
471 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"
472 }
473 ],
474 "supportTicketEvents": [
475 {
476 "eventType": "enrOoInAltProgram",
477 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"
478 }
479 ],
480 "currentStatus": "closed",
481 "open": true,
482 "assignedTeam": "operations",
483 "assignee": {
484 "id": 0,
485 "firstName": "string",
486 "lastName": "string",
487 "email": "string"
488 },
489 "createdBy": {
490 "id": 0,
491 "firstName": "string",
492 "lastName": "string",
493 "email": "string"
494 },
495 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
496 "lastUpdated": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"



emailstringtrueThe email address to note as the assignee for the Support Ticket.
SupportTicketAssigneeRequest Model Sample
2 "email": "string"


A representation of an event occurrence for a Support Ticket.


eventTypeSupportTicketEventTypefalseThe type of event that occurred.
createdAtstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp of the event occurrence.
SupportTicketEvent Model Sample
2 "eventType": "enrOoInAltProgram",
3 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"



eventSupportTicketEventTypetrueThe requested event to add to the Support Ticket.
notestringfalseThe note to attach alongside the event.
SupportTicketEventRequest Model Sample
2 "event": "enrOoInAltProgram",
3 "note": "string"


Enumerated Values

SupportTicketEventType Model Sample


A note that’s attached to a given Support Ticket.


createdByEndUserfalseThe user that created the note.
notestringfalseThe actual text of the note.
createdAtstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the note was created.
SupportTicketNote Model Sample
2 "createdBy": {
3 "id": 0,
4 "firstName": "string",
5 "lastName": "string",
6 "email": "string"
7 },
8 "note": "string",
9 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"



notestringtrueThe note to post to the Support Ticket.
SupportTicketNoteRequest Model Sample
2 "note": "string"


A Support Ticket is a case that’s been opened by either an Impilo team member, a Customer team member, or a Patient.


patientPatientfalseThe Patient that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable. Only the ID is required.
orderOrderfalseThe Order that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable. Only the ID is required.
deviceDevicefalseThe Device that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable. Only the ID is required.
siteSitefalseThe Site that the Support Ticket involves, if applicable. Only the ID is required.
ticketTypeSupportTicketTypefalseThe type of Support Ticket.
notestringfalseA list of all SupportTicketNotes attached to this Support Ticket.
SupportTicketRequest Model Sample
2 "patient": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
5 "firstName": "John",
6 "lastName": "Doe",
7 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
8 "email": "",
9 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
10 "archived": true,
11 "address": {
12 "lineOne": "string",
13 "lineTwo": "string",
14 "lineThree": "string",
15 "city": "string",
16 "state": "string",
17 "zipCode": "string",
18 "country": "string",
19 "note": "string"
20 },
21 "site": {
22 "id": 1,
23 "name": "string",
24 "active": true,
25 "phoneNumber": "string",
26 "address": {
27 "lineOne": "string",
28 "lineTwo": "string",
29 "lineThree": "string",
30 "city": "string",
31 "state": "string",
32 "zipCode": "string",
33 "country": "string",
34 "note": "string"
35 }
36 },
37 "enrolled": true,
38 "sex": "other"
39 },
40 "order": {
41 "id": 0,
42 "externalOrderIds": [
43 "string"
44 ],
45 "patient": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
48 "firstName": "John",
49 "lastName": "Doe",
50 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
51 "email": "",
52 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
53 "archived": true,
54 "address": {
55 "lineOne": "string",
56 "lineTwo": "string",
57 "lineThree": "string",
58 "city": "string",
59 "state": "string",
60 "zipCode": "string",
61 "country": "string",
62 "note": "string"
63 },
64 "site": {
65 "id": 1,
66 "name": "string",
67 "active": true,
68 "phoneNumber": "string",
69 "address": {
70 "lineOne": "string",
71 "lineTwo": "string",
72 "lineThree": "string",
73 "city": "string",
74 "state": "string",
75 "zipCode": "string",
76 "country": "string",
77 "note": "string"
78 }
79 },
80 "enrolled": true,
81 "sex": "other"
82 },
83 "site": {
84 "id": 1,
85 "name": "string",
86 "active": true,
87 "phoneNumber": "string",
88 "address": {
89 "lineOne": "string",
90 "lineTwo": "string",
91 "lineThree": "string",
92 "city": "string",
93 "state": "string",
94 "zipCode": "string",
95 "country": "string",
96 "note": "string"
97 }
98 },
99 "currentStatus": "availableForPickup",
100 "orderItems": [
101 {
102 "item": {
103 "id": 1,
104 "manufacturer": {
105 "id": 1,
106 "name": "string"
107 },
108 "name": "string",
109 "model": "string",
110 "sku": "string",
111 "orderable": true
112 },
113 "count": 0
114 }
115 ],
116 "orderKits": [
117 {
118 "kit": {
119 "id": 0,
120 "name": "string",
121 "archived": true,
122 "kitItems": [
123 {
124 "item": {
125 "id": 1,
126 "manufacturer": {
127 "id": 1,
128 "name": "string"
129 },
130 "name": "string",
131 "model": "string",
132 "sku": "string",
133 "orderable": true
134 },
135 "count": 0
136 }
137 ]
138 },
139 "count": 0
140 }
141 ],
142 "orderEvents": [
143 {
144 "name": "string",
145 "eventTimestamp": "string"
146 }
147 ],
148 "trackingNumbers": [
149 {
150 "carrier": "string",
151 "value": "string"
152 }
153 ],
154 "devices": [
155 {
156 "id": 1,
157 "item": {
158 "id": 1,
159 "manufacturer": {
160 "id": 1,
161 "name": "string"
162 },
163 "name": "string",
164 "model": "string",
165 "sku": "string",
166 "orderable": true
167 },
168 "currentStatus": "string",
169 "used": true,
170 "currentPatient": {
171 "id": 1,
172 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
173 "firstName": "John",
174 "lastName": "Doe",
175 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
176 "email": "",
177 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
178 "archived": true,
179 "address": {
180 "lineOne": "string",
181 "lineTwo": "string",
182 "lineThree": "string",
183 "city": "string",
184 "state": "string",
185 "zipCode": "string",
186 "country": "string",
187 "note": "string"
188 },
189 "site": {
190 "id": 1,
191 "name": "string",
192 "active": true,
193 "phoneNumber": "string",
194 "address": {
195 "lineOne": "string",
196 "lineTwo": "string",
197 "lineThree": "string",
198 "city": "string",
199 "state": "string",
200 "zipCode": "string",
201 "country": "string",
202 "note": "string"
203 }
204 },
205 "enrolled": true,
206 "sex": "other"
207 },
208 "site": {
209 "id": 1,
210 "name": "string",
211 "active": true,
212 "phoneNumber": "string",
213 "address": {
214 "lineOne": "string",
215 "lineTwo": "string",
216 "lineThree": "string",
217 "city": "string",
218 "state": "string",
219 "zipCode": "string",
220 "country": "string",
221 "note": "string"
222 }
223 },
224 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
225 "deviceIdentifiers": [
226 {
227 "type": "string",
228 "value": "string"
229 }
230 ],
231 "deviceEvents": [
232 {
233 "type": "string",
234 "eventTimestamp": "string"
235 }
236 ],
237 "externalIdentifier": "string",
238 "disabledReadings": true
239 }
240 ],
241 "packedKits": [
242 {
243 "kit": {
244 "id": 0,
245 "name": "string",
246 "archived": true,
247 "kitItems": [
248 {
249 "item": {
250 "id": 1,
251 "manufacturer": {
252 "id": 1,
253 "name": "string"
254 },
255 "name": "string",
256 "model": "string",
257 "sku": "string",
258 "orderable": true
259 },
260 "count": 0
261 }
262 ]
263 },
264 "devices": [
265 {
266 "id": 1,
267 "item": {
268 "id": 1,
269 "manufacturer": {
270 "id": 1,
271 "name": "string"
272 },
273 "name": "string",
274 "model": "string",
275 "sku": "string",
276 "orderable": true
277 },
278 "currentStatus": "string",
279 "used": true,
280 "currentPatient": {
281 "id": 1,
282 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
283 "firstName": "John",
284 "lastName": "Doe",
285 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
286 "email": "",
287 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
288 "archived": true,
289 "address": {
290 "lineOne": "string",
291 "lineTwo": "string",
292 "lineThree": "string",
293 "city": "string",
294 "state": "string",
295 "zipCode": "string",
296 "country": "string",
297 "note": "string"
298 },
299 "site": {
300 "id": 1,
301 "name": "string",
302 "active": true,
303 "phoneNumber": "string",
304 "address": {
305 "lineOne": "string",
306 "lineTwo": "string",
307 "lineThree": "string",
308 "city": "string",
309 "state": "string",
310 "zipCode": "string",
311 "country": "string",
312 "note": "string"
313 }
314 },
315 "enrolled": true,
316 "sex": "other"
317 },
318 "site": {
319 "id": 1,
320 "name": "string",
321 "active": true,
322 "phoneNumber": "string",
323 "address": {
324 "lineOne": "string",
325 "lineTwo": "string",
326 "lineThree": "string",
327 "city": "string",
328 "state": "string",
329 "zipCode": "string",
330 "country": "string",
331 "note": "string"
332 }
333 },
334 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
335 "deviceIdentifiers": [
336 {
337 "type": "string",
338 "value": "string"
339 }
340 ],
341 "deviceEvents": [
342 {
343 "type": "string",
344 "eventTimestamp": "string"
345 }
346 ],
347 "externalIdentifier": "string",
348 "disabledReadings": true
349 }
350 ]
351 }
352 ],
353 "shippingOption": "standard"
354 },
355 "device": {
356 "id": 1,
357 "item": {
358 "id": 1,
359 "manufacturer": {
360 "id": 1,
361 "name": "string"
362 },
363 "name": "string",
364 "model": "string",
365 "sku": "string",
366 "orderable": true
367 },
368 "currentStatus": "string",
369 "used": true,
370 "currentPatient": {
371 "id": 1,
372 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
373 "firstName": "John",
374 "lastName": "Doe",
375 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
376 "email": "",
377 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
378 "archived": true,
379 "address": {
380 "lineOne": "string",
381 "lineTwo": "string",
382 "lineThree": "string",
383 "city": "string",
384 "state": "string",
385 "zipCode": "string",
386 "country": "string",
387 "note": "string"
388 },
389 "site": {
390 "id": 1,
391 "name": "string",
392 "active": true,
393 "phoneNumber": "string",
394 "address": {
395 "lineOne": "string",
396 "lineTwo": "string",
397 "lineThree": "string",
398 "city": "string",
399 "state": "string",
400 "zipCode": "string",
401 "country": "string",
402 "note": "string"
403 }
404 },
405 "enrolled": true,
406 "sex": "other"
407 },
408 "site": {
409 "id": 1,
410 "name": "string",
411 "active": true,
412 "phoneNumber": "string",
413 "address": {
414 "lineOne": "string",
415 "lineTwo": "string",
416 "lineThree": "string",
417 "city": "string",
418 "state": "string",
419 "zipCode": "string",
420 "country": "string",
421 "note": "string"
422 }
423 },
424 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
425 "deviceIdentifiers": [
426 {
427 "type": "string",
428 "value": "string"
429 }
430 ],
431 "deviceEvents": [
432 {
433 "type": "string",
434 "eventTimestamp": "string"
435 }
436 ],
437 "externalIdentifier": "string",
438 "disabledReadings": true
439 },
440 "site": {
441 "id": 1,
442 "name": "string",
443 "active": true,
444 "phoneNumber": "string",
445 "address": {
446 "lineOne": "string",
447 "lineTwo": "string",
448 "lineThree": "string",
449 "city": "string",
450 "state": "string",
451 "zipCode": "string",
452 "country": "string",
453 "note": "string"
454 }
455 },
456 "ticketType": "other",
457 "note": "string"


Enumerated Values

SupportTicketStatus Model Sample


Enumerated Values

otherOther general inquiries support ticket.
engagementEngagement-related support ticket.
labOrderLab order support ticket.
deviceTechnicalSupportDevice technical support ticket.
patientSetupPatient setup support ticket.
returnToSenderReturn to sender support ticket.
mobileSupportMobile support ticket.
customerDeviceInquiryCustomer device inquiry support ticket.
operationsOperations-related support ticket.
alertAlert related support ticket
clinicalSupportClinical support ticket.
addressConfirmationAddress confirmation support ticket.
patientJourneyPatient journey support ticket.
returnMerchandiseAuthorizationReturn merchandise authorization support ticket.
SupportTicketType Model Sample


Enumerated Values

Team Model Sample


This page describes Impilo’s temperature reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientPatientfalseThe patient who took the reading.
itemItemfalseThe item used to take the reading.
deviceDevicefalseThe device used to take the reading.
temperatureUnitstringfalseThe unit in which the temperature was measured.
temperaturenumber(double)falseThe temperature measurement value.
TemperatureReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "temperatureUnit": "string",
142 "temperature": 0.1


This page describes Impilo’s temperature reading model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
temperatureUnitTemperatureUnittrueThe unit in which the temperature was measured.
temperaturenumber(double)trueThe temperature measurement value.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
TemperatureReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "temperatureUnit": "C",
8 "temperature": 0.1,
9 "manual": true


Enumerated Values

CTemperature unit of measurement is Celsius.
FTemperature unit of measurement is Fahrenheit.
TemperatureUnit Model Sample


Request model for testing blood glucose webhook.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
glucoseinteger(int32)falseThe blood glucose measurement value.
TestBloodGlucoseWebhookRequest Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "glucose": 0


Request model for testing blood oxygen webhook.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
bloodOxygeninteger(int32)falseThe blood oxygen (spo2) measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
TestBloodOxygenWebhookRequest Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "bloodOxygen": 0,
4 "heartRate": 0


Request model for testing blood pressure webhook.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
systolicinteger(int32)falseThe systolic blood pressure measurement value.
diastolicinteger(int32)falseThe diastolic blood pressure measurement value.
heartRateinteger(int32)falseThe heart rate measurement value.
TestBloodPressureWebhookRequest Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "systolic": 0,
4 "diastolic": 0,
5 "heartRate": 0


Request model for testing device association webhook.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
deviceIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the device.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe identifier of the device.
TestDeviceAssociationWebhook Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "deviceId": 0,
4 "deviceIdentifier": "string"


Request model for testing order status webhook.


orderIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the order.
externalOrderIds[string]falseList of external order identifiers.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
orderStatusstringfalseCurrent status of the order.
trackingNumberstringfalseTracking number for the order shipment.
TestOrderStatusFullWebhook Model Sample
2 "orderId": 0,
3 "externalOrderIds": [
4 "string"
5 ],
6 "patientId": 0,
7 "orderStatus": "string",
8 "trackingNumber": "string"



orderIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the order, managed by Impilo. Randomly generated for test webhooks.
externalOrderIds[string]falseList of order ids
orderStatusNamestringtrueOrder status name
TestOrderStatusWebhookRequest Model Sample
2 "orderId": 1,
3 "externalOrderIds": [
4 1,
5 2
6 ],
7 "orderStatusName": "ORDER_PLACED"


Request model for testing weight webhook.


patientIdinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the patient.
weightnumber(double)falseThe weight measurement value.
TestWeightWebhookRequest Model Sample
2 "patientId": 0,
3 "weight": 0.1


The tracking number model includes details about the shipping carrier and the tracking number value.


carrierstringfalseThe shipping carrier for this tracking number.
valuestringfalseThe tracking number value.
TrackingNumber Model Sample
2 "carrier": "string",
3 "value": "string"



itemItemtrueThe Item being requested to transfer. Only the ID of the item is required.
countinteger(int32)trueThe number of Items being requested for transfer.
devices[Device]falseThe actual Devices being transferred. Only populated once the Transfer Request is completed.
TransferItem Model Sample
2 "item": {
3 "id": 1,
4 "manufacturer": {
5 "id": 1,
6 "name": "string"
7 },
8 "name": "string",
9 "model": "string",
10 "sku": "string",
11 "orderable": true
12 },
13 "count": 0,
14 "devices": [
15 {
16 "id": 1,
17 "item": {
18 "id": 1,
19 "manufacturer": {
20 "id": 1,
21 "name": "string"
22 },
23 "name": "string",
24 "model": "string",
25 "sku": "string",
26 "orderable": true
27 },
28 "currentStatus": "string",
29 "used": true,
30 "currentPatient": {
31 "id": 1,
32 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
33 "firstName": "John",
34 "lastName": "Doe",
35 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
36 "email": "",
37 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
38 "archived": true,
39 "address": {
40 "lineOne": "string",
41 "lineTwo": "string",
42 "lineThree": "string",
43 "city": "string",
44 "state": "string",
45 "zipCode": "string",
46 "country": "string",
47 "note": "string"
48 },
49 "site": {
50 "id": 1,
51 "name": "string",
52 "active": true,
53 "phoneNumber": "string",
54 "address": {
55 "lineOne": "string",
56 "lineTwo": "string",
57 "lineThree": "string",
58 "city": "string",
59 "state": "string",
60 "zipCode": "string",
61 "country": "string",
62 "note": "string"
63 }
64 },
65 "enrolled": true,
66 "sex": "other"
67 },
68 "site": {
69 "id": 1,
70 "name": "string",
71 "active": true,
72 "phoneNumber": "string",
73 "address": {
74 "lineOne": "string",
75 "lineTwo": "string",
76 "lineThree": "string",
77 "city": "string",
78 "state": "string",
79 "zipCode": "string",
80 "country": "string",
81 "note": "string"
82 }
83 },
84 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
85 "deviceIdentifiers": [
86 {
87 "type": "string",
88 "value": "string"
89 }
90 ],
91 "deviceEvents": [
92 {
93 "type": "string",
94 "eventTimestamp": "string"
95 }
96 ],
97 "externalIdentifier": "string",
98 "disabledReadings": true
99 }
100 ]



idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the TransferRequest.
fromCustomerCustomerfalseCustomer from which the Inventory will be transferred away from. Typically auto-set to the caller of the TransferRequest endpoints.
toCustomerCustomerfalseThe target Customer to send the requested Inventory to.
createdAtstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when the Transfer Request was first created.
transferRequestNotes[TransferRequestNote]falseNotes attached to this Transfer Request.
transferRequestEvents[TransferRequestEvent]falseThe sequence of events that this Transfer Request has undergone. Sorted most recent event first.
transferItems[TransferItem]falseThe Inventory that’s being requested to transfer.
TransferRequest Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "fromCustomer": {
4 "id": 0,
5 "name": "string"
6 },
7 "toCustomer": {
8 "id": 0,
9 "name": "string"
10 },
11 "currentStatus": "requested",
12 "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
13 "transferRequestNotes": [
14 {
15 "note": "string",
16 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"
17 }
18 ],
19 "transferRequestEvents": [
20 {
21 "name": "requested",
22 "eventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
23 }
24 ],
25 "transferItems": [
26 {
27 "item": {
28 "id": 1,
29 "manufacturer": {
30 "id": 1,
31 "name": "string"
32 },
33 "name": "string",
34 "model": "string",
35 "sku": "string",
36 "orderable": true
37 },
38 "count": 0,
39 "devices": [
40 {
41 "id": 1,
42 "item": {
43 "id": 1,
44 "manufacturer": {
45 "id": 1,
46 "name": "string"
47 },
48 "name": "string",
49 "model": "string",
50 "sku": "string",
51 "orderable": true
52 },
53 "currentStatus": "string",
54 "used": true,
55 "currentPatient": {
56 "id": 1,
57 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
58 "firstName": "John",
59 "lastName": "Doe",
60 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
61 "email": "",
62 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
63 "archived": true,
64 "address": {
65 "lineOne": "string",
66 "lineTwo": "string",
67 "lineThree": "string",
68 "city": "string",
69 "state": "string",
70 "zipCode": "string",
71 "country": "string",
72 "note": "string"
73 },
74 "site": {
75 "id": 1,
76 "name": "string",
77 "active": true,
78 "phoneNumber": "string",
79 "address": {
80 "lineOne": "string",
81 "lineTwo": "string",
82 "lineThree": "string",
83 "city": "string",
84 "state": "string",
85 "zipCode": "string",
86 "country": "string",
87 "note": "string"
88 }
89 },
90 "enrolled": true,
91 "sex": "other"
92 },
93 "site": {
94 "id": 1,
95 "name": "string",
96 "active": true,
97 "phoneNumber": "string",
98 "address": {
99 "lineOne": "string",
100 "lineTwo": "string",
101 "lineThree": "string",
102 "city": "string",
103 "state": "string",
104 "zipCode": "string",
105 "country": "string",
106 "note": "string"
107 }
108 },
109 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
110 "deviceIdentifiers": [
111 {
112 "type": "string",
113 "value": "string"
114 }
115 ],
116 "deviceEvents": [
117 {
118 "type": "string",
119 "eventTimestamp": "string"
120 }
121 ],
122 "externalIdentifier": "string",
123 "disabledReadings": true
124 }
125 ]
126 }
127 ]



eventTimestampstring(date-time)falseThe timestamp when this event took place.
TransferRequestEvent Model Sample
2 "name": "requested",
3 "eventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"



notestringfalseThe note that is linked to a Transfer Request.
createdAtInstantfalseThe timestamp when the note was created.
TransferRequestNote Model Sample
2 "note": "string",
3 "createdAt": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z"


Enumerated Values

requestedTransfer request has been requested.
approvedTransfer request has been approved.
pendingInventoryTransfer request is pending inventory.
voidedTransfer request has been voided.
completedTransfer request has been completed.
TransferRequestStatus Model Sample



validbooleanfalseA Boolean value of whether this device identifier is validated or not.
deviceDevicefalseThe Device associated with the provided Device Identifier, if exists.
ValidateDeviceResponse Model Sample
2 "valid": true,
3 "device": {
4 "id": 1,
5 "item": {
6 "id": 1,
7 "manufacturer": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "name": "string"
10 },
11 "name": "string",
12 "model": "string",
13 "sku": "string",
14 "orderable": true
15 },
16 "currentStatus": "string",
17 "used": true,
18 "currentPatient": {
19 "id": 1,
20 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
21 "firstName": "John",
22 "lastName": "Doe",
23 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
24 "email": "",
25 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
26 "archived": true,
27 "address": {
28 "lineOne": "string",
29 "lineTwo": "string",
30 "lineThree": "string",
31 "city": "string",
32 "state": "string",
33 "zipCode": "string",
34 "country": "string",
35 "note": "string"
36 },
37 "site": {
38 "id": 1,
39 "name": "string",
40 "active": true,
41 "phoneNumber": "string",
42 "address": {
43 "lineOne": "string",
44 "lineTwo": "string",
45 "lineThree": "string",
46 "city": "string",
47 "state": "string",
48 "zipCode": "string",
49 "country": "string",
50 "note": "string"
51 }
52 },
53 "enrolled": true,
54 "sex": "other"
55 },
56 "site": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "name": "string",
59 "active": true,
60 "phoneNumber": "string",
61 "address": {
62 "lineOne": "string",
63 "lineTwo": "string",
64 "lineThree": "string",
65 "city": "string",
66 "state": "string",
67 "zipCode": "string",
68 "country": "string",
69 "note": "string"
70 }
71 },
72 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
73 "deviceIdentifiers": [
74 {
75 "type": "string",
76 "value": "string"
77 }
78 ],
79 "deviceEvents": [
80 {
81 "type": "string",
82 "eventTimestamp": "string"
83 }
84 ],
85 "externalIdentifier": "string",
86 "disabledReadings": true
87 }


Impilo supports various types of webhooks. This page describes the endpoints available for managing your webhooks.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the webhook managed by Impilo.
typestringtrueThe event type for the webhook.
urlstringtrueThe URL where events for this webhook will be sent.
Webhook Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "type": "eventType",
4 "url": ""


Represents a log for a webhook.


idinteger(int64)falseID of the webhook log event
webhookIdinteger(int64)falseID of the webhook
webhookTypeWebhookTypefalseType of the webhook
webhookUrlstringfalseURL of the webhook
payloadstringfalsePayload sent with the webhook
createTimestampstring(date-time)falseTimestamp when the webhook was sent
lastResponseStatusinteger(int32)falseLast response status for the webhook
retryAttemptsinteger(int32)falseNumber of retry attempts for the webhook
lastRetryTimestampstring(date-time)falseTimestamp of the last retry attempt for the webhook
WebhookLog Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "webhookId": 1,
4 "webhookType": "order.status",
5 "webhookUrl": "",
6 "payload": "{'id':1234}",
7 "createTimestamp": "2023-08-22T14:15:30.345Z",
8 "lastResponseStatus": 200,
9 "retryAttempts": 3,
10 "lastRetryTimestamp": "2023-08-22T14:15:30.345Z"


Impilo supports various types of webhooks. This page describes the endpoints available for managing your webhooks.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the webhook payload, managed by Impilo.
typestringfalseThe event type for the webhook.
payloadanyfalseThe payload of the webhook.
WebhookPayload Model Sample
2 "id": 1,
3 "type": "string",
4 "payload": null



secretstringfalseSecret we will pass along with any Webhooks we send to your subscribed endpoints.
WebhookSecret Model Sample
2 "secret": "string"


Enumerated Values

procurement.statusFullA procurement status event occurred. The payload includes the full procurement model.
supportTicket.eventA support ticket event took place.
reading.bloodOxygenA reading of blood oxygen was taken.
order.statusAn order status event occurred. The payload only includes order id and order event type.
reading.peakFlowA peak flow reading was taken.
transferRequest.statusFullA transfer request status event occurred. The payload includes the full transfer request model.
device.lowBatteryA device sent a low battery signal.
return.statusFullA return status event was triggered.
patient.updatedA patient’s details were updated.
reading.sleepMatActivityA sleep mat activity reading was taken.
reading.bloodPressureA reading of blood pressure was taken.
reading.sleepMatDurationA sleep mat duration reading was taken.
procurement.statusA procurement status event occurred. The payload only includes procurement id and event type.
device.associationCreatedA patient-device association was created.
device.associationRemovedA patient-device association was removed.
patient.createdA new patient was created.
reading.weightA body weight reading was taken.
reading.temperatureA body temperature reading was taken.
transferRequest.statusA transfer request status event occurred. The payload only includes transfer request id and transfer request event type.
return.statusA return status event was triggered.
reading.bloodGlucoseA reading of blood glucose was taken.
device.weakSignalA device sent a weak signal.
order.statusFullAn order status event occurred. The payload includes the full order model.
WebhookType Model Sample


This page describes Impilo’s weight reading model.


idinteger(int64)falseUnique identifier for the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the patient’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
patientPatientfalseThe patient who took the reading.
itemItemfalseThe item used to take the reading.
deviceDevicefalseThe device used to take the reading.
weightnumber(double)trueThe weight reading in lbs.
WeightReading Model Sample
2 "id": 0,
3 "readingTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
4 "manual": true,
5 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
6 "patientTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "patient": {
8 "id": 1,
9 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
10 "firstName": "John",
11 "lastName": "Doe",
12 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
13 "email": "",
14 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
15 "archived": true,
16 "address": {
17 "lineOne": "string",
18 "lineTwo": "string",
19 "lineThree": "string",
20 "city": "string",
21 "state": "string",
22 "zipCode": "string",
23 "country": "string",
24 "note": "string"
25 },
26 "site": {
27 "id": 1,
28 "name": "string",
29 "active": true,
30 "phoneNumber": "string",
31 "address": {
32 "lineOne": "string",
33 "lineTwo": "string",
34 "lineThree": "string",
35 "city": "string",
36 "state": "string",
37 "zipCode": "string",
38 "country": "string",
39 "note": "string"
40 }
41 },
42 "enrolled": true,
43 "sex": "other"
44 },
45 "item": {
46 "id": 1,
47 "manufacturer": {
48 "id": 1,
49 "name": "string"
50 },
51 "name": "string",
52 "model": "string",
53 "sku": "string",
54 "orderable": true
55 },
56 "device": {
57 "id": 1,
58 "item": {
59 "id": 1,
60 "manufacturer": {
61 "id": 1,
62 "name": "string"
63 },
64 "name": "string",
65 "model": "string",
66 "sku": "string",
67 "orderable": true
68 },
69 "currentStatus": "string",
70 "used": true,
71 "currentPatient": {
72 "id": 1,
73 "externalIdentifier": "1234abcd",
74 "firstName": "John",
75 "lastName": "Doe",
76 "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
77 "email": "",
78 "phoneNumber": "+1234567890",
79 "archived": true,
80 "address": {
81 "lineOne": "string",
82 "lineTwo": "string",
83 "lineThree": "string",
84 "city": "string",
85 "state": "string",
86 "zipCode": "string",
87 "country": "string",
88 "note": "string"
89 },
90 "site": {
91 "id": 1,
92 "name": "string",
93 "active": true,
94 "phoneNumber": "string",
95 "address": {
96 "lineOne": "string",
97 "lineTwo": "string",
98 "lineThree": "string",
99 "city": "string",
100 "state": "string",
101 "zipCode": "string",
102 "country": "string",
103 "note": "string"
104 }
105 },
106 "enrolled": true,
107 "sex": "other"
108 },
109 "site": {
110 "id": 1,
111 "name": "string",
112 "active": true,
113 "phoneNumber": "string",
114 "address": {
115 "lineOne": "string",
116 "lineTwo": "string",
117 "lineThree": "string",
118 "city": "string",
119 "state": "string",
120 "zipCode": "string",
121 "country": "string",
122 "note": "string"
123 }
124 },
125 "lastHealthCheck": "string",
126 "deviceIdentifiers": [
127 {
128 "type": "string",
129 "value": "string"
130 }
131 ],
132 "deviceEvents": [
133 {
134 "type": "string",
135 "eventTimestamp": "string"
136 }
137 ],
138 "externalIdentifier": "string",
139 "disabledReadings": true
140 },
141 "weight": 0.1,
142 "weightUnit": "lbs"


This page describes Impilo’s weight reading model.


deviceIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the device that took the reading.
deviceIdentifierstringfalseThe device identifier of the device that took the reading.
patientIdinteger(int64)falseThe id of the patient that took the reading.
readingTimestampstring(date-time)trueThe UTC timestamp at which the reading was taken.
deviceTimeZoneOffsetinteger(int32)falseThe offset of the device’s timezone from UTC in seconds. Null if unavailable.
weightnumber(double)trueThe weight reading value in lbs.
manualbooleanfalseTrue if the reading value was entered manually, false or null otherwise.
WeightReadingRequest Model Sample
2 "deviceId": 0,
3 "deviceIdentifier": "string",
4 "patientId": 0,
5 "readingTimestamp": "2022-03-10T16:15:50Z",
6 "deviceTimeZoneOffset": -14400,
7 "weight": 0.1,
8 "manual": true


Enumerated Values

lbsWeight unit of measurement is pounds.
WeightUnit Model Sample